GFT Dealbook 360

Whenever I click on a symbol in the quote board the chart changes to a chart of that symbol.

How do I stop it from doing this?


Hi Tom,

That’s a feature called linked charts. It’s used in some DealBook 360 layouts.

To get rid of them, simply close them. Then to display plain charts, right-click on the currency pair that you want in the Quoteboard. A pop-up window appears with commands. Select View Chart. Voila! DealBook opens a plain, unlinked chart in that currency pair.

You can open as many plain charts as you want and resize and position them in your workspace as needed. When done, click Save Current Layout. You’ll also be asked if you want to save the current layout when you exit DealBook. Make sure to say yes.

One more thing: if you use multiple workspaces (like Trend View, Dynamic Trend View, etc.), you may want to close the linked charts in all of these tabs. Again, make sure you save.

GFT offers a free walkthrough when you sign up. Have you taken it yet? Otherwise, if you have more questions about charts, check out Section 3 of the DealBook 360 User Manual. The first few topics in that section have some pretty good information about charts.

Let me know if that helps!