GFT or Alpari?

Hi there fellow traders,

I wanted to get some feedback as to which client would be best for trading on a relatively small-sized account (~$2,000) in the near future, after I have practiced for a few months.

I currently use a demo account at eToro, but the software is very unattractive, and as I am learning more I am beginning to feel hindered by the lack of features such as custom indicators. Moreover, it feels very childish at times.

I was particularly struck by GFT, as it looked rather professional, and its platform was being endorsed by reputable members of the forum, such as tymen1. The charting software used is DealBook, and not MT4. However, my main contention is that they only allow you to demo trade for 30 days, and afterwards you need to open a Live Account I think…is this correct? If there is a way to obtain an unlimited demo account to test the service, then I would be elated to know.

I then came across Alpari, which has two branches, Alpari US and Alpari UK. Several trading platforms are available including MT4, and they allow you an unlimited demo account. However, with the recent squabble between the CFTC and their 10:1 proposed leverage cap, would it make more sense to open an account at Alpari UK rather than Alpari US, to avoid these restrictions?

I would love to hear any pros/cons about the above two brokers, (or any other reputable ones) as I feel that this decision will be one of the most important ones in my prelude to trading.

Thanks in advance,


I found that GFT offered a lot of nice charting but that it was eating the ram on my machine.

I use alpari a lot… I quite like metatrader…

Unless you have a trading background you will need a long exposure to demo trading… this is not an easy thing to master.

What you can do to overcome the demo limitations is to deposit some money in an account… that will allow you a continuous account and you can still use a demo.

I suggest that you try metatrader, see if you like it and then try GFT to see if you like that.

Your own experience is the the thing that matters… there is a lot to learn with each platform.

Well I was walking along a sidewalk in MANHATTAN and I saw a picture of a BEACH, and standing next to this picture were two people TRADING phone numbers. It interesting how close New York is to Canada, the home of TICKQUEST/NEOTICKER, I also find it helpful to have a Professional Navigator while analizing Data from the BEACH. I really like Brokers who have umlimited demos.

The Ever Cryptic VIPER

:smiley: Oh by the way did I mention I got an Infraction today :smiley:

I only can comment about Gft since it’s the only broker that I’ve used live.

I’ve been with them for a year and a half approximately.

I have to say that overall my experience has been great. I have never had any trouble regarding transparency, withdrawals, execution, etc.

The platform is really good, it has everything you’ll ever need, and it’s super user friendly, I’d say. The problem is that if you don’t have a computer with enough ram memory, you’ll have a lot of trouble with speed, something I think you won’t experience with Metatrader.

Another thing with Dealbook is that depending on the size of your live account you’ll only have acces to a few basic indicators.

So my recommendation would be for you to try the platform, even though the demo does not last much, 30 days is enough time to see wether you like it or not.

If you like it but don’t feel ready to start trading live, then take your time to learn, no rush, you can still practice in mt4 or oanda, and then when you feel ready you can open your live account with Gft. Once you have a live account, you can have your demo unlimited.

I use GFT Dealbook live for about 8 months now and have had only good experiece with it.
I demo’d first and after the first 30 days…they give you a hard sell to go live. I told them that I was not ready to go live and wished to have the demo for another 90 days. They gave it to me for free. Though about once a month they would call and give me another hard sell. but that was ok.
as I was learning forex from the beginging I took advantage of the caller and asked him all kinds of questions - which he happily answered. I turned a sales call into a 45 minute one on one training session. about once per month for 90 days.

This thread is a little old, so maybe this is new:

GFT does work with metatrader 4. You can find that out on their website. You can use their sofware (DealBook) or you can use metatrader 4. I think you can use both if you want.

I have used their demo account, but I haven’t done any real trading with them. It looks like they offer regular accounts more currency pairs than Alpari-US which is what I’m using now. I might switch and try them out.

Anyone have experience with both brokers? Which do you think is better Alpari-US, or GFT.

I really like the GFT logo, but that’s a stupid reason to choose them. :38: