GFT - SCAM or not

I have a GFT account ( real and demo) for a while and so far I haven’t experienced almost any issues with them, unlike many many GFT customers, who complained in other sites. By chance I’ve read some review about GFT and it took my attention. The things I’ve read about GFT were pretty awful in few other sites. A lot of customers accuse the broker of closing their open positions without their approval, stop hunting or imaginaryprice spikes. Also by far I haven’t made any withdraws, but some people have complaind that they haven’t received their money. By now I thought GFT is well respected broker, but I kind of changed my mind.

What is your experience with GFT and what is your opinion - is GFT scam or the sites and the comments in them are the real SCAM?


I used to have an account with GFT. I made a few trades, made some profit and withdrew my money. Everything went without a problem. I only quit GFT because I switched to Oanda where I could trade smaller lots, but besides that I had a fine experience with GFT.

Good luck!

I havn’t had any issues with GFT. I have had a trade go within 0.2 pips of my stop and reverse without it being triggered.

I am yet to make any withdrawals, so I can’t comment on those.

Also any time I have called them they have been very helpful in answering my question on the spot, or calling back very soon afterwards with a solution to my issue.

I used GFT for a while and never had any issues with them. I made money with them but had to close when I moved I needed the money. They were pretty quick on getting it to me. I went with fxsolutions this time for the fixed spreads. Honestly though I have thought about going back to GFT from time to time. I liked there plattform. They are not a scam I can say that. Stophunting happens in the markets all the time but generally it is not your brokers doing.

I did come across a few of the negative feedbacks on GFT but have no personal experience with them yet. I should point out that when checking a broker, great customer support or not, if the broker is a scam - get the heck out.

Most of the time when I see complaints like that, it’s people that don’t realize the spread can go way up during times of inactivity in the market. Oanda gets the same complaints, and it’s more short-sightedness on the part of the trader than anything else. GFT is CFTC and NFA regulated. Not a scam, and not a word that should be associated with either broker IMO.

Every single broker gets screamed “scam” by failed traders on forums. And people lie and exaggerate so use caution reading forum rants. Then these same people push some broker in Panama offering 1:500 leverage that accepts deposits by egold. Do your due diligence away from forum rants.

I began trading last July, and after going through the BP school I consider myself a follwer of the ICT methodology. I have not blown up an account, though I’ve made, lost, made, lost a little, and am now consistently making conservative money trading currency. I’m sure there are more drawdowns ahead, but I feel that I have a solid understanding of the basics of trading. I’ve deposited around 5K with this broker and have made a little better than 26% proffit overall sice last July. I have not asked for any money back and I don’t have an issue with an inactivity fee if I don’t trade for a month. I would be interested in hearing from professional brokers who use GFT and rely on them as their main account. If I can keep things going in the right direction for another year, I might be tempted to up the anty a little, and am interested in the perceptions of GFT’s reliability from professionals (or anyone.) The reviews make me a bit nervous as well, though I like Dealbook and have not had a real problem as of yet.

To those of you with a GFT account… Are you still happy with them as your broker?