GIVEAWAY: How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?

Hey gals. Hey pals. I’m Stevie Seaweeds. I live in Brooklyn and I’m a full time musician. Had a fair amount of private students and played in 3 bands leading up to this epic pause we’re in.
I love me some candlesticks and would like to cultivate a “slow is smooth and smooth is fast” trading attitude with Forex. It’s be freakin awesome to replace even half of my income successfully over the next 18 months. Bring in 2022 like a champ!
Cheers everyone.

Hi everyone. My name is Dan and I’m a uni student from the UK.
I’ve been learning Forex with a demo account since February and I hope to be consistently profitable by this time next year.
Good luck to everyone in the competition and their trading career!

Hello future millionaires!

My name is Rahul and I’m working professional. I’ve been trading since last 10 months mainly on stocks but I recently has started to learn about the Forex. I think I’ll be successful trader by the end of this year.

Helllo, I’m Keziar an insurance adviser but take interest in Forex last year.

Consistency, deligence and focus are the things needed for a successful trader. I think I’ll be successful 1 year from now based on my trading stategies that I learned from successful traders.

I think very long. I starting a 2 months ago on babypips school of pipsology. The school actually made everything easy and I was like “I got the hang of this”. I traded and I made losses. One time it went up like over 200pips but i was still thinking it would go up lol I woke up with too much losses. So I think very long, I have to work on my psychology and try and finish the school too. So I think 2 years maybe.

I’m Jonty and newbie for a trading forex. Currently i’m working as a motor mechanic freelancer. I’m 06 months older to forex market The main reason was enter into forex market is that is actually what we getting is self learning money.What is means we won’t be depend on someone else to fulfill our goals and objectives.

Usually what I want to express here is anyone can be a master of trading withing 06 months along with extream self learning and unlimited practice.

I am a beginner and i think it will only take one proffessionally for a period of six month to learn

Hi, My name is Tonyfash. I’m a Nigerian living in Ibadan, Oyo state. I’ve known about Forex trading for the past 4years now and I’ve been trading the Demo account since then. I believe with diligence, determination and hardwork within 6months to a year, you should be a good and sound forex trader who makes good profits and knows how to manage his/her profits with risk management.

Thank you.

Hello to everyone. I’m Dan. I am Vietnamese but currently living in Virginia. I am a freelance IT specialist. I have always wanted to try forex trading but I kept setting it aside. But now, I have realized the importance of having more than just a couple of contractual jobs. Forex is something that I can always do on the side once I’ve become profitable.

In all honesty, I don’t know exactly how long it will take me. It could range from about a year to 5 years, depending on the amount of time I can spend learning and demo trading.

Hey what’s up everybody! My name is Alejandro and I’m from the US. I’m a big sports fan and love playing all different kinds of sports. I also enjoy listening to music and watching movies.

I began trading this year and after demo trading for about 3 months I then felt like I was ready to jump into live trading. There is still a lot I have to learn and I believe that by the end of the year I can be a successful day trader. I will continue using the amazing resources baby pips provides and putting my complete effort to continue developing this great skill set everyday.

Hi,i’m Chris from Africa, a newbie in the Forex trade.It has been my dream of becoming a Forex trader and a successful trader in future.with the reading materials provided by baby- pips and other learning facilities and mentors,i know i will make into the market as other successful traders.I have enrolled into pipsology and doing demos daily for now six months

Becoming successful trader may not be predicted soon or later as its a long process,i know i will take time but finally i will make it provided i give myself enough time learning market trends,risks management,best time to trade,volatility and so on.

Hi everyone, i have been practicing and studying Forex for more than 4 years , and after all this time i am pretty certain that only the discipline to stick to a method will take you to your goals, in my case this is happening now , after trying a lot of things, sometimes good methods but not suitable for my situation or character, eventually i found a way that works for me , and then the fortitude to execute with discipline.
This is a process that will take a different time for everyone.

Hi, I’m John from Nigeria, I really don’t know, I’ve been studying and trading on a demo account since August 2019(babypips trading school really helped me) at some point(January 2020) I thought I was ready, then decided to trade on a real account, after blowing the account trice I stopped, at that point I was going to give up, but I decided not to stop, I don’t want to graduate university and then start to look for a job which is hard to find here in Nigeria, it scares me, now trading on my demo account while also working on my dads farm, I know I will get good and recover my losses, just hope it is soon.

Hi I’m Richie, from Nigeria :smiley:. I’m a student, I love reading novels, video games and doing the impossible, yeah.

I’ve been trading for 3 months now, demo actually and I’m doing great :muscle:.

In the next couple of months before the year runs out I’ll be raking in the profits :sunglasses:, I just have to improve on my understanding of price action and the markets which I’m working on. I have a strategy based entirely on price action, I call it R&B (not short for Reggae and Blues though) still doing my best to improve it.
You guys keep up the good work here at Baby pips​:raised_hands::heart:

Hi, I’m Jo and I have been reading the very useful articles of BabyPips for over a year now. I started trading just a few months ago and I recomended this site to my brother so he can also learn trading concepts before trying out forex trading. I think it will take me about six more months to become a successful trader through the help of BabyPips.

Hello fellow pipers. My name is Francis, and I’m from Kenya. I started trading because I love trading, it is very difficult but rewarding once a series of successful trades start popping up in your account. I begun on February of this year (2020) and it’s been a successful endeavour because of your educational tools. I hope to be financially independent and to positively contribute to my family in mid year 2021, as I am yet to be comfortable with my trading strategy which I am always tuning. I hope to be a part of this community and offer insight for other newcomers as well.

Thank you for all your entries!

We’ll be closing this thread for now as we finalize the list of this giveaway’s winners. Please stay tuned.

The wait is finally over!

We now have our forum giveaway winners!

A huge thanks to all of those who participated and replied with their entries. You were all amazing and we had such a hard time choosing the winners! It was our pleasure getting to know you and your goals. Welcome to the BabyPips community!

We wish you all the best in your trading journey and we will look forward to your successes!

Now, without further ado, let’s start with the BabyPips team’s choice!








Moving on to our lucky winners, we have…

@Jazmhan, @andrewszal, and @kenshie87!

Congratulations again to all the winners!

Each of you will be receiving an Amazon gift card worth $25USD. I’ll be in touch with you guys shortly to ask for your Amazon email addresses!

*Failure to respond with your email addresses within 7 days will result in disqualification and selection of new winners.

If you weren’t so lucky this time, just stick with us and stay tuned! We’re cooking up other exciting stuff for you!