GIVEAWAY: How long do you think it will take you to become a successful trader?


My name is Tom. I live in a town near Indianapolis, Indiana. I work for Honda manufacturing and have a wife and step daughter. Oh, and two cats. I like sports, traveling, and of course trading.

I think it will take awhile to become a consistently profitable trader. I will guess a couple of years. I have prepared this time by paying off my house and cars first so I can focus on learning to trade and still feel comfortably financially.
I hope all on this thread finds trading success!!!

I’m salaudeen Abdulganiu from Nigeria my goal is to become a professional forex trader.

For me to become a successful forex trader, it will take me 6 month or more to be successful trader with commitment,constant practice and learning from other traders.

How I plan to be come successful trader is for me to graduate form school of pipsyology learning from other trader both online and offline and watch online videos and above all put whatever I learn into practice.

Thank you

I’m Salaudeen Farouk from Nigeria and I’m actually new to forex, my aim of joining this school is to become a Pro in the line trading.
As for the question asked above, to me i think it will be up to 5-6mths or more, depending on the motives of the individual that is willing to learn how to trade which requires constant practise, commitment and seeking for a vast Knowledge about forex.
I plan on becoming a successful and passionate trader after I graduate from this school of pipsyology and also by learning from other trader either offline or online and putting them into practice for a very long time.
Thank you all for giving use the privileged to introduce ourself.
May God bless you all

Hi, i am Emmanuel from Nigeria. i live with my parents i believe i am long overdue to get the hell out.i got introduced to trading Forex December last year and have spent the last couple of month on babypips school of pipsology learning to trade. i have been demo trading for the last 4 months. i intend to go live pretty soon but only after i have found a consistently profitable strategy. i plan on becoming a full time trader and i believe it would take me 12- 18 months to really become a successful trader and my definition of success is when someone can use my story as an inspiration to start trading.

Helllloooo All​:blush::blush:. I’m SB and I am so excited to be here. I am a COMPLETE newbie to this entire world of trading. When I say newbie…I mean newbie…like last week newbie​:exploding_head:. I can not wait to learn all there is to know. I really want to submerge in the knowledge and possibly be ready to test the demo waters in 6 months. I really want to take my time and learn. I hope to trade full time and start a home business doing so. I don’t have a mentor yet but I have babypips and I am so thankful for you all. Thank you!

Hi, I’m Maggie. I’m from the UK and I’ve been trading demo since February. I want to be able to make an income from trading so I’ve been studying and practicing hard. My latest learning project has been getting to grips with my trading psychology. I’d love to become a professional trader in due course.

Hi all! I’m Luis from Venezuela. I live with my brother in Chile. I spend most of my free time playing videogames and learning how to trade.

I’ve been demo trading for 2 months now and I aim to be a profitable trader in at least 2 years. To get there, I’m hoping to further refine my trading strategy and devoting more time to watching the markets to better understand them.

Hi, my name is Naydu and i live in the U.S. for quite a time; When i found about Forex back in 2016 I loved the idea to become a day trader and manage my life and travel with my four legs rescued babies.
Four years has passed and after numerous jobs which i really didn’t enjoy Babypips found me and I’m taking advantage of this amazing opportunity to learn. I was looking for a way to learn the basics and then find a mentor to help me grow my potential and my bank account.
I understand and aware that it will be a long process but the best day to start was four yrs ago and the second best day is today so I’m keeping with it.
Thank you babypips for this great opportunity😉

Hi, am Adunbarin Israel, am from Nigeria and I live in Nigeria, am a newbies I just started trading forex this year and I’ve been trading demo since January and still learning more about forex. As a trader it will take you up to 3 to 5 years in other for you to become a successful trader

Hey, my name is Emeka. I’m still a newbie. Just graduated from the school of pipsology. Been demo trading for close to a month now. Have the plans of starting a real account after 3 months of demo trading. With my knowledge of school of pipsology and experience from demo trade, I’d say in d next 8 to 9 months I’d become a successful trader. I’m working towards making trade a major source if living.

I am Dominion
Forex trading is my companion because of the logistics involve.
I have been here less than a year
When I will be successful as a forex trader is when it comes to my notice and mind that the market is a big market no need to be pursuing the market but I should put my plan in place to make money out of the market. Not to be pursuing the forex market to its daily giveaway pips whether huge or small pips.
I noticed that I can cook for the forex market but if it cook for me it will wipe away my account.
Thank you.

Hey everyone! My name is Jack and I’m constantly working towards consistency with my trading. I’m focused primarily on swing trading as it best suits my work/life balance working a 9-5 job 5 days a week. I don’t like putting a date on when I will become a successful trader as I feel it can add unnecessary pressure. For me at least, I feel success will come naturally after my technical ability, emotional control and discipline all resonate in harmony. One day, that time will come :relieved:

Hey folks, I’m Old Dog and live in the New England region of the U.S.

I’ve been demo trading for the past 5 months and will go live at the beginning of June.

In learning how to trade Forex, I was amazed that I gravitated to scalping and short-term holds. It turns out I have both the patience and intestinal fortitude for these strategies. I originally planned on becoming proficient trading EUR/USD but ended up doing 90% of my trades with the “Loonie” (USD/CAD). Over the months I recognized distinct patterns and cycles of this pair and have had a lot of success trading them.

While I know going live is an entirely different mindset, I’m confident that using the strategies I learned I’ll be profitable in the first month. In a year from now, I will be successful. What that means to me is that I will be making enough from my trading on a monthly basis that I’ll never have to work a corporate job again.

Getting your little bro a birthday gift - how awesome- besides that get him to start babypips!!!

Hi im Alberto
Im still consider myself a newbie… From México City… I love to Cook and listen música… I started by moments in dic 2018 but took seriously about april 2019 i search anywhere to learn about fx and finally found babypips, now i trade in demo and some contests to work my strategy… So i point to be a real trader and profitable in 3 months not more… Now its too much info about the Market so its overwhelmed to put all data in your head so im delating and only keeping most simple…

Hi am Shem Nderitu from Kenya. I have been a trader for the last two years being on and off charts occasionally for weeks. I love trading since it has been sustaining me financially and enabling me meet some of my financial goals. I believe for a person to become a successful trader it depends with how one decides to manage their risk appetite and manage their money. First thing in trading is protecting your capital and the profits will take care of themselves. For me it will take me three more monthsfrom now to become a successful trader since I’ve already learnt how to manage my capital and reduce risks.

My first post!

I’m Samantha Lino, I started teaching myself forex from baby pips a year ago. I could not of figured out this stuff without you! Love the lot size calculator, I use it every trade.

I think it will take me 6 months to become a successful trader. I just started 2 live accounts 3ish weeks ago. There really is a learning curve once you start, currently focusing on getting into the rhythm each day as I work full time. This is my side hustle that I will grow into passive income.

Hello, I’m Darren from the UK, a taxi driver looking to increase his skillset and his bank account. It is easy to spend time at home under the current climate, so what better way is there to use that time? There’s only so much sun bathing I can do in the garden. So I have decided to learn a vast subject. Babypips is brilliant; love the cartoons. They crack me up and make a dry subject tolerable. My answer to the question is when I win all of the time… 100% i.e 10/10 successful trades, which is impossible… right? The best traders are 90% successful, bots, maybe 100% and so I am going to answer the question with a question. What is the average success rate of a successful trader? It varies of course, as does the time for everyone to meet those targets. I have counted my demo trades and I am at 60%… but not a successful trader. Just sold CHF/JPY @ 110.668 @ 20.32 BST if anyone fancies getting on the train.

Hello,my name is ufuoma wisdom am from Nigeria and I have been learning forex trade for up to 8 months now and I learnt here @ and also from friends. Still trying to get my strategy that will keep me on the winning side. Funding is really one thing that is stopping me as there is no way for funds,still practicing demo and I hope when I do get funds,things will be a lot easier thank you everyone.

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Hi, Am Chijioke from Nigeria. I stay with my mom and my younger once, Dad’s is late. Finished school last 2yrs and no job.

I decided to start forex, borrowed money from Aunt($250) lost it all on free signal, till a friend introduce babypips to me.

I have trippled my demo acc on FXTM (ECN)
Am aiming to be a profitable and a full time trader by a yr or 2. Learning more about fundamental, technicial analysis, the use of some indicators, candle stick pattern and any knowledge I come across daily

am also thinking of diversifying a bit like including system trading, copy trading, while am still a full time trader.