Giving FX another shot

Good afternoon, I decided to learn fx once again after being in an MLM last year. My friend got me into it and he actually became successful so I tried it. Guess my motivation wasn’t there at the moment, so I left it as I also saw that it was a pyramid scheme lol. I know a lot of people despise those types of structures, I know some will have something negative to say but I’m just motivated to learn forex and take it slowly this time. I know it takes a lot of patience and im ready to actually learn it this time lmao.
Thanks for reading this if you got here lmao, hopefully I can actually pull it off this time.

I know someone who was part of an MLM and she actually made tons of money lol. She stopped actively selling but thanks to her downlines, she still gets some $$. She also really believes in the product though (at least that’s what she makes us all think).

Good luck! I hope we see more of you here!

Welcome aboard and best of luck. When you accept that there is no short cut to success, that is your opportunity to put in the hours for several months.

Try starting to develop a profitable method and process on a demo account, which you follow for every trade, that’s your first base. Best of luck.

I think it’s nice that you’ve given it another try! :smiley: You really have to be extra careful with who you trust in the industry cause there are a lot of scammers out there. :frowning: But if you ever see anything new you wanna try, maybe it’s gonna help to ask here! :smiley: