Going for the big one; broker honesty


Well I saw the first post on this thread when it was started and wanted to see what input was given before responding.

Only one or two posts actually attempt to answer the thread starters question. Assuming the math is correct and the thread starter has worked things out accurately: once again (as is ALWAYS the case) it depends on the broker you’re trading with. If it’s a ‘bucketshop’ you can bet your sweet ar*e that SOMETHING will happen to that trade. The reason??? Your trade is NOT going ‘out the door’ but being kept inhouse and the chances of that amount NOT sinking a ‘bucketshop’ are NIL to nothing.

HOWEVER (and given a reputable broker INCLUDING a reputable broker that is also a Market Maker i.e. some false information being given here about Market Makers): once the broker’s risk reaches a certain level (limit) your trade will be offset (offloaded??? hedged???) with a larger liquidty provider and so on and so forth. So there should be no problem withdrawing such amount. The only problem you’ll have (once again given a reputable broker) is getting your paws on such an amount without alerting just about every authority in your country of residence!!! LOL!!!

