Going for the big one; broker honesty

I think I have a lot of luck

I have traded with 500 leverage, I started from 12 dollars and now believe or not it is now near 900 dollars. I have this trade I idea. Presently I have put in a long for the eurchf, I have put in more longs at the 1.24, 1.26,1.28,1.28 levels. And at each of these levels I am betting 100 percent. so assuming 20 pips doubles or obliterates your account, if an intervention to 1.4/1.5 happened -

at.1.24 - 9000
1.26 - 90000
1.26 - 900000
1.28- 9,000,000
then if it goes up till 1.4 final profit becomes - 450 million dollars

this is where I lack faith. if truth be told this has happened to me once before with succes (remember the tokyo intervention?) I had made some really nice profits by that.

But I face the lack of faith, that any broker would never give me this amount of money… I face myself believeing that they would just ignore me or something. they are based overseas (no us broker has 500 leverage) if this senario plays out (and there is a good chance it will), do you honestly think the broker will wire me this much profit? Or do you think they will say that no bank could have lended you a million dollars * 500 leverage?

Hi tewodrosyifredew, it will be better if you share trading chart or trading details with us in favor of your profit statement. Because it is huge amount.

thats a dream bro !! thats a dream ! 450 Million dollars profits ! no one will help you to get this ) but any ways good look !

You should offer 20% of that money to the lawyers they would take it and help you

You *10 your money twice for the 1.26 level.

Sorry I can’t answer your question though.

yeah thats a good idea… with 20% form 450million$ the lawyer will never work again :smiley: he will fight well for it !

never thought about that way, I guess i never saw my self earning that big, maybe not all brokers are willing to pay that much, depending i guess on what type of broker, but millions or 7 digit numbers is a bit small in the world of forex, big brokers won’t have a problem processing that much, been reading about people investing 6 digits, maybe seven for those who afford it! not so sure how they work it out! I also lack the knowlege so I guess im just speaking out my thoughts right now, but hay, you don’t have to earn 450 million, play it safe and wise, if you are earning big then just earn an amount you think the broker is willing to pay, and its still going to be too much to spend :smiley:

Betting… I hate to see that word in Forex :63:

I think if its a small broker its likely they wont let it go that far, especially if its not ecn. You can find ecn brokers with high leverage and since your profits aren’t coming from their pockets then you know you’ll get the money, also there are some ecn brokers that have low minimum first deposits

I trade similar to this sometimes.

If you think the market is trending, you can just keep adding to your position. You can be trading far more lots then you could with a single open trade. More then max lots.

You can do it without risk. The problem is the market rarely moves in a straight line.

It can be very profitable, especially if you can open the trades and the market keeps moving in your favor.

I have made $60,000 from a $10,000 account in one day doing this & it has the potential to make much more. But it is not as easy as it sounds, doing it with no risk.

I dont understand guys , it is MY MONEY! if it is a profit of 2 dollars or 2 trillion dollars, I made the money by trading. Why wouldn’t they give me the money? And please explain what ECN is? Well you guys are my witnesses, if I do sue them, I will pay for flight and hotel and a some extra thousand cash, I will paste a snapshot of my orders soon.

well theres two types of brokers, Market makers and ECN.
market makers (probably what you’re using) make their own market and the trades you put are fulfilled by other people trading with the same broker or by the broker themselves, they only have a price feed from the world market to emulate real prices. This means that if a trade goes bad for you then they gain because they will most likely be on the other end of the order but if you get a HUGE gain then they are losing money. A lot of the time they aren’t regulated and wont pay out and since a lot of them are on financial havens (aka cyprus, isle of man …etc) you can’t really try against them in a court because it’d be international law and yeah they can kinda just dissapear (hence why you should always really research your broker)

an ECN is a broker that instead of making a “faux” market they just serve as middlemen as an actual broker to the interbank market. Therefore they make money whether you win or lose (by their commission) and if you win then the person losing is somoene else on the interbank market as opposed to your broker. so in the end if you’re planning on making tons of money I personally think you should go with an ECN broker

now since I gave you some awesome advice on ECN’s I’m expecting a .25% cut of your 450 million dollar profits :smiley: hahaha it’ll only be a measly 1.125 million :slight_smile: haha

Hi tewodrosyifredew.

Let me be the first to tell you the likely hood that you have the emotional control to even let the market reach 1.4 is highly unlikely.

If you think about the future just a second and lets say the market reaches 1.35. I really cant be stuffed calculating how much money that would be but lets say its $300,000,000. The market goes down to 1.31 and now your account is worth $250,000,000. You just lost $50,000,000. Do you really think you will be able to be calm during this period. Knowing you just lost $50,000,000 because you didnt get out. Each second your account is going up and down $1,000,000.

There is no way you could have the emotional control to trade like this.

Even if you reach a million dollars i would take the money out and start trading with real money management before you lose it.

Could you imagine how deviated you would be if your account got up to $10,000,0000 and you lost it all because your using too much leverage. I can understand that you really only losing $12 because that’s all you started with. But knowing that you have the chance to cash in big will be a temptation you will face along your journey.

But hey if 1000 people tried to do something similar with no prior knowledge of trading i reckon at least 1 person would make it. I guess just try 1000 times. That should cost you $12,000. You should get one of those $12 accounts to millions of dollars lololol.

I’m humored by all of this. If you have $450 million, you’re not trading with a retail broker.

Also why stop at 450 million. With that strategy you may as well just decide to be the first trillionaire.

One thing you need to think about is that if intervention happens, your stop entries are going to be slipped like crazy. If EURCHF gaps a few hundred pips, your entry orders will be filled at whatever price is available (with an ecn broker) or will be rejected/requoted by a dealing desk broker.

Don’t expect to be filled at your exact entry prices.

What do you think these brokers are going to do when they see a client with huge amounts of lots??? Take a wild guess everyone.

Wait, you trade with 500 leverage? LOL…

Please clarify…

First Millionaire Trader of European Forex Broker - Yahoo! Finance

It is not the brokers money?

Maybe you talking about brokers registered in the Maldives,etc…