Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Yes Exactly…I would not trade on a 22% + Commission Markup…It is just not at all logical or advisable for any profitable trading if ANY…Hugo’s way are a No-No at these high Markups

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…on a personal note…
I feel like the “old man” who sticks with mainstream
FX (Forex) and hasn’t “moved on” to greener pastures…

But FX is “mature” and there’s huge opportunity, so
I don’t see the need to look over the fence to see
whether “the grass is greener” :slight_smile:


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When I was your age, we didn’t have any fancy Cryptocurrencies!!!
No, we had clay tablets scribed by the high priests at the temple!!!
We had to walk from Kish to Ur to trade clay tablets carrying all currencies on our backs.
Talk about high leverage!!!
It was uphill, in the snow, both directions and we liked it just fine that way!!

Pairs included


Couldn’t resist an attempt at some comic relief here…

I trade both Forex and Crypto. I find that I get stopped out less in Forex than in Crypto. Some of the price swing spikes I see in Crypto are pretty intense.


You just made me think of something preczau…

My trading system relies on a lot of historical data and calculation which I keep managed via spreadsheets and feed into my EA daily. Each broker is going to have different tick data, meaning different bar sizes, meaning different spreadsheets and calculations for each. I’ve contacted my programmer to see what can be done but I don’t see how I’ll get around having to maintain a duplicate number of spreadsheets for each extra broker. This would be a daunting proposition.

I am sad again…


Umm… at least in Forex we don’t see enough variation to
really get concerned about it. And I do scalping… Surely
you’re exaggerating the precision you’ll be needing, and
the significance of any pricing variations?.. or not?

[EDIT] I mean any significant pricing variations give rise to
arbitrage, which I’d think would reduce variability; that’s at
least what happens in mainstream Forex pairs.


Evolve are blocking US IPs for new signups… VPN/VPS gets past that stage

as for Hugo… so far they have been fine & my eggs are spread to 5 other baskets.

Yeah, switching your IP address does generally remove many
of the geolocation restrictions. However, then there is the
escalation of the new Google reCaptcha; as it recognizes
you’re using a VPN (through sophisticated algos only Google
would typically have) or accessing a given service from many
different IP’s (obviously a factor in cyber crime)…

I’ve even had Credit Cards declined in the payment for
server hosting, with the hosting service detecting that I
am using a VPN (I use NordVPN) and not telling me
why the charges are being declined. When asking, they
suggested “don’t try to pay while using a VPN”; again,
because they are having issues of cyber fraud…

And I’m only doing what an increasing number of security
conscious internet users are doing; which is to encrypt via
a VPN so that my ISP can’t “scrape” data about my usage
and sell it off like every other entity on the net tries to do !!!

[EDIT] But with regard to blocking U.S. persons; I think it ultimately
comes down to “not soliciting” U.S. persons, especially via public
websites. Rather, I believe many of these brokers accept
"unsolicited" business from us; but do not want to make it
appear that they are “soliciting” our business !! HECK, I know
a U.S. guy who gets Australian mainstream brokers to accept
him, and it comes down to personal negotiation often, as opposed
to purely website contact …


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It’s an off the shelf trade copier called Auto Trade Copier… it offers several different options to copy… scaled by position size ratio, balance, multiplier or static lot size specific to each slave account

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My TP/SL are pretty huge in crypto (i really only need 5:1) so i didn’t notice a difference in spreads other than BTC starting last week.

To be honest, I really don’t have a problem with their response. They actually confirmed to you what is happening. We have no idea what other brokers are doing with the raw aggregated feeds from their LPs since we have no access to them to make comparisons.

One of the main uses of the mt4 plugins on the broker side was to pad spreads.

Ultimately every trader will make a decision on what is best for their personal situation. For me personally, I could trade crypto @ 3:1 with tighter spreads or trade elsewhere with higher leverage but with wider spreads and make more money.

I might be exaggerating but I trade mostly exotics. How would you arbitrage spot prices between two Forex brokers?

I have noticed quite a difference between FxChoice and Finpro’s historical prices at times. I am trading higher time frames so maybe at the 1min level you wouldn’t see as much variation.

Indeed…the same thing can be said about crypto exchanges that are concerned about ‘the appearance of compliance’. It also does not hurt them to know that they can use it as justification for taking full control of your funds and terminating your account at the drop of a hat if they need to, as it typically violates terms of use and would likely void any agreements.

I did not really have a problem with their response, but with the circumstances that lead to arriving at that response. I think that being open and upfront is not the same as an admission of guilt after evidence has been provided. Many traders would likely agree that the details regarding their heavy spread markups is something that should be disclosed upfront. They advertise their low commission fees, but make no mention of their adjusted spreads. If you trade cryptocurrency through them, using max leverage, you are automatically giving them 22% of your profits. At that point, the cost of the commission is meaningless by comparison. It is understood that some brokers charge a commission, some pad spreads and some do both – but that kind of information should be clearly laid out, upfront. Just my opinion.

I have given my thoughts on the matter in my other posts, but overall, I am personally more bummed that I will not be able to trade crypto through them. I prefer to keep my account balances low when trading through a crypto exchange or via an unregulated broker, so I require higher leverage as a result. There are other brokers, fortunately, so I will not lose any sleep over it.

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My point was that the professional HFT arbitragers would
already have eliminated profit opportunities in Forex…

I don’t think retail connections would permit profiting from
pricing differences among brokers; and I never tried to use
any arbitraging strategy, so I haven’t thought it through…

As to the mechanics of such a thing, you’d do it
with simultaneous connections, as with NJ4X and custom
coordination among the brokers, of course; but, again,
I just don’t think there would be
any opportunity there… Since I don’t trade “exotic” pairs,
maybe there is something there; although I doubt it…

There would be too much slippage at the volumes you’d
need to push in order to hope to profit from any theoretical
arb possibility, I’d say… There’s more money to be made
in micro scalping within a single broker, I’d say…
…not much of an answer to your question…

[EDIT] Forex Arbitrage


It used to be that arbitrage was fairly common and doable with crypto. I do not know if that has changed yet or not. Since you are trading directly on the exchange and can quickly and easily transfer your funds, all you really need are the accounts set up and a good bot to automate the process. I spoke with a fellow that was doing manual transfers and was able to make good returns with deep price disparities.

Exactly…This is Admission of Guilt… it took @_METHOS to go through and check the details to finally making them admit that Hugos way were marking up spreads and then charge commissions on top of the Marked up spreads as well…

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Back to Business - once again

If you have the time and the inclination to contribute to this thread, please help vet the following
raw list of broker names.

Your task, if you choose to participate, is simply to determine:

Is this a retail spot forex broker who will accept new US clients?

That’s it, for the first step – no need to delve into trading conditions (spreads, commissions, etc.)
at this stage.

Don’t be surprised if 9 out of 10 (or more) of the brokers listed below do not pass our first screen (welcoming US clients). However, see the note at the bottom of this post.

Screening and sorting the hundreds and hundreds of brokers out there is the primary business of this thread. If you’re ready to get back to business, please pitch in.

24 option

Anzo Capital
AXI Trader


Century Financial Brokers LLC

Dupli Trade


FX Giants

Gerchik & Co.

Henyep Capital Markets Ltd
HYCM (is this the same as HY Markets?)

IFC Markets
iq option

Juno Markets
Just Broker

KVB Kunlun


Milton Markets
MYFX Markets

Noor Capital PSC
Nord FX (is this Nord Markets?)

Orient Financial Brokers

Persepolis Capital Management

Q8 Trade


Saxo Bank Dubai Ltd
Spot International
STForex - Straight Through Forex
Swiss Markets

TTCM Investment

ufx (is this UpFX?)


Z.com Trade


Keep in mind that we are finding that some shrewd offshore brokers have a publicly-stated position
(no US clients), and an actual position (low-profile US clients, who come in under the radar, are welcome). We should identify such brokers, and investigate them further.



Is this a retail spot forex broker who will accept new US clients?

I have had an account for a while, but have not used it much.
It’s what they call a “Real Account” meaning a “Live Account”
[EDIT] they do offer an MT4 platform, and possibly MT5, in
addition to their Web based interface.

I tried to sign up and received this Terms and Conditions link:

As you can read, the issue of U.S. persons is addressed…

USING A U.S. VPN ENDPOINT, there is a flat refusal for U.S. persons
based on IP geolocation… see image attached

[EDIT] Having said this, SimpleFX is an impressive offering, and are
simply complying with the CFTC “nanny state” pressures on what
is obviously a well managed service.

[EDIT] they offer crypto funded as well as “fiat” currency accounts,
but I don’t know what the “verification” procedure is for the “fiat”
accounts… Originally it was a BitCoin only broker, I believe… but
clearly they have since expanded their scope.



I’m sure everyone here is aware that, as a public forum, this
is a great way for adversaries to glean information which
could target specific brokers, or even forum members…

Any thoughts on this, @Clint ? Any options for a private,
verified member status forum where we could speak more


Short answer: not anymore…

I used to trade with SimpleFX before 1broker was taken down. As a US citizen, trading with them now violates the new terms of service. Personally, I am not comfortable depositing funds while clearly violating terms of service.

Couple thoughts on this…

The idea of a private forum is a good one. We really shouldn’t need one, but the situation is bad right now.
I am interested in staying in contact even if the forum goes private.

However, if I may expound a bit, I think the key might be in affecting change in policy here at home.
I love the USA and our founding principles. We need to change some of these recent laws.
They belong in a dictatorship, and have no place in our free Republic.

Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be any interest in repealing FATCA in either major political party.
It makes money and both parties like to spend.

Traders and expats are getting serious grief from this law. I don’t think it is intentional (i.e. we’re not the target), but I also don’t think
most of our politicians really care.
We make up a tiny percent of the population and they are generating billions of dollars from FATCA.
Our lost opportunities are collateral damage.

Perhaps the best solution is to push for more reasonable laws on domestic brokers, or a license traders can obtain to trade freely (agreed we shouldn’t have to, but change what you can).

I pay a lot in taxes. I declare my income.
Plus, I bring money home to the US to spend in the US.
There is really no logical reason for the government to inhibit my trading.
Also, encouraging brokers to set up shop here would generate more jobs and tax revenue.

This game of whack a mole on brokers is not ideal and I don’t like the trajectory. I am sure there are some people with some power to affect change.
Is there something we can do to secure our trade here at home within the system?
There is a lot of brain power here in this forum and many people more legally inclined than I. What can we do?