Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Thanks. I am looking for a shop with exceptionally high leverage that offers stp, for a certain portion of my funds. Not to get into too much detail but tadawul would be great, though they have a very low single order max lot size, which is very strange for an stp broker. I will look at the other three, though when used properly 500:1 leverage makes up for a lot of issues. My only real concern is that they are not going to steal my deposit. requotes, bad fills, things of that nature I can deal with.

GLT forex is a no. They do not accept us clients.

I think you mean SmartTradeFX out of Hong Kong (with an office in Canada).

Personally, I wonā€™t consider brokers in Somali Pirate Territory (Mauritius, or the Seychelles). But, thatā€™s just me.

Do you mean GTL?

yes i mean gtl.

No need to be US-like excessively superficial in regard to other countries. For what matters, the Republic of Mauritius is a pretty developed state: Mauritius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another issue is the safety of your funds. When several years ago a major US-based brokerage Refco took their customersā€™ funds and disappeared, the seemingly almighty US government proved to be of no assistance to the injured parties. The issuance of regulatory provisions in an attempt to govern the entire world is one thing and their effective enforcement is another.

Strato markets, does not accept us clients. They appear to be connected to IKON Globlal.

brave, as mentioned I am not concerned with little issues. With the portion of funds I am talking about, am not looking for perfect execution. I am willing to make some sacrafices for super high leverage.

My concern is just what you said. Issues related to deposits and withdrawals. FBS uses bank of valletta as their primary bank which has solid reputation and is located in malta. My main question is has anyone dealt with them, and do they have confidence is the secruity of their funds.

I read that post a while back and it seems like client was more to blame. Any other reviews out there?

Sorry, canā€™t be of more help here. I havenā€™t used FBS myself nor do I know anyone who has. I would too be curious to hear of othersā€™ personal experiences with them.

I chatted with BForex they said they do not accept US clients.

Alejandro_V: yes mr jake how can i help yopu
jake: Do you accept US Clients?
Alejandro_V: no sir im sorry
Alejandro_V: we dont have that option
jake: oh ok thank you

support: Hi how may I help you?

Jimifan: Do you accept US clients?

support: No, sorry

support: we dont work with USA

Jimifan: Ok thank you

To be clear they are owned and operated by Safecap Investments Ltd who are located in Cyprus and regulated by Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission. Iā€™m not sure that this is the one on the [B]no information list[/B] Forex Web Trader (Germany).


Dealer: hello

Jimifan: HI

Jimifan: Do you accept US clients?

Dealer: of course sir

Jimifan: oh good, thank you for the info

No minimum deposit. Leverage 400:1 spread average 1-4 on majors. They are located in the UK and regulated by FSC.

youtradefx.com donā€™t mistake it for youtradefx.org their website looks like a joke and they should not be even recommended on this thread.


Thanks, JS. I will put them on the appropriate list.

Thanks for the heads-up. We had some bad info from the Forex Broker Guide site. Hereā€™s their listing:

I have confirmed your information (Cyprus location and regulation, etc.). I will put them on the ā€œnoā€ list, and I will contact Forex Broker Guide regarding their incorrect listing.

Great. I will put them on the List. Thanks.

They are incorporated and regulated in Mauritius (FSC is a Mauritius regulatory agency). You Trade FX - Regulation Compliance

They have branch offices in London, and elsewhere.

I have put them in alphabetical order with the Mauritius brokers.

As of October, many foreign Forex brokers quit trading gold and silver with US citizens. Iā€™ve just found this thread and Iā€™m starting to get the big picture here.

But hereā€™s another problem this is causing as well. Maybe someone could give me some insight as to if this is a valid concern or not. By making it impossible for foreign brokers to trade commodities with US citizens, we are now unable to purchase gold or silver contracts with any other base denomination than USD.

Perhaps I felt that the CHF was a bit more stable and that my accountā€™s base denomination was in CHF. Now with the new regulations, if I wanted to trade Silver or Gold, I would have to do it in USD - even though Bernankeā€™s 600+ billion QE2 is driving the USD down.

Sorry but I was with GotMoney and they sent out an email stating they will not accept USA traders any longer and that my account would be closed.

Thanks for this info. I have sent an inquiry to Got Money FX in Brisbane, Australia, asking for clarification.

I will leave our List as is, until I have a reply from Got Money.

I must apologizeā€¦ I had the name wrong. I was thinking of Go Markets. The name had confused me.

No sweat, kneal. Weā€™ve all blown it, from time to time.

Hereā€™s the reply from [B]Got Money FX[/B]:

Hi Clint,

Yes you are correct, Got Money FX does accept US residents.

Recently we have seen a large increase in client applications from US residents, obviously given the new CFTC changes.

We are able to accommodate US resident traders and we offer them the same trading environment as all of our local and international clients - up to 400:1 leverage, full hedging, no re-quotes etc. all with no market marking and straight through processing.

Which forum do you participate on?

Let me know if I can help further.

Kind regards,

David Orth
Foreign Exchange Broker
Got Money FX
Level 18, 333 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000
+61 1300 492 662 | 7 +61 7 3807 8070

YouTradeFX told me they didnā€™t accept US customers. In addition, their customer support is extremely slow with their responses and incompetent. Obviously, they do not value the time of their customers. Hereā€™s the transcript of my chat with them:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with ā€˜Dealerā€™

Dealer: Hello

Jacob: Hello. Do you currently accept US customers?

Dealer: Yes We do

Jacob: And the new US CFTC regulations do not affect you?

Jacob: are you still here?

Dealer: Iā€™m soory sir my mistake we donā€™t accept US customers

Jacob: why not?

Jacob: are you subject to the US CFTC regulations?

Dealer: Iā€™m not sure about it

Dealer: we mostly work with the European markets

Jacob: can you then give me the contacts of a competent employee of your company who know an answer to this question?

Jacob: why are you so slow with your responses?

Iamfx is a no

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately we are not able to work with US clients at this time.

If you are trading a pooled account in the name of a non US structure, we may be able to talk further.

Kind regards


Iamfx Affiliate sales manager.