Going offshore to escape the CFTC

thanks , that makes sense…

thanks SmallPaul, great site

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I am so paranoid that commercial trade copiers will
steal my trades away…

So I write my own :slight_smile: lol


coinexx has responded, good job coinexx


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Have you tried or considered using BTC-USCD to and from CoinPro to Coinexx ?
I believe it was mentioned that it might not incur the 1.5% fee that just recently went into effect.


No and who wanna pay that type of fee

im still trying to figure out how did LMFX became a instant trusted broker but LQDFX didn’t.

The response feels too personal and informal to me. They can do better.

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Taking offshore trading literally:


There was nothing “instant” about the designation of LMFX as a Trusted Broker. If fact, that designation occurred more slowly than most of the other four.

LMFX was first discussed on this website in Jingoy’s thread titled Lmfx, beginning in October 2015. Immediately after that first mention of LMFX in the Babypips forums, LMFX representative Maria Bachvarova joined Babypips. About 6 weeks later, she began posting in Jingoy’s thread.

Here in the Offshore Broker Thread, LMFX was discussed for the first time in January 2016 by Babypips member Jack72, who was already an LMFX client. That was about 20 months before you became a Babypips member.

At that time, LMFX was added to our List, in Group 1, as an offshore broker that accepts U.S. clients.

Immediately after that first mention of LMFX in this thread by Jack72, Maria Bachvarova began posting here, answering questions about LMFX.

In THIS POST, Maria expressed interest in having LMFX designated as a Trusted Broker.

Over the next 18 months, there were occasional comments about LMFX in this thread, and more than 100 posts about LMFX in Jingoy’s thread, almost all of them positive for LMFX.

In July 2017, I asked for comments on designating LMFX as a Trusted Broker, and based on the responses at that time (and on the considerable discussion of LMFX over the previous 18 months), I decided to award the Trusted Broker designation to LMFX. That was hardly a hasty decision.

Contrary to what you said, LMFX did not become an “instant Trusted Broker”.


As you may have noticed, LQDFX has not been on our radar for as long as LMFX has been. And there has not been nearly as much discussion of LQDFX, as there was of LMFX prior to its designation as a Trusted Broker. Which might help to explain why LMFX is a Trusted Broker, but LQDFX has yet to earn that designation.

Clearly, you are a fan of LQDFX. You should continue to report your experience with them, and encourage other members here to give them a try. If a consensus develops regarding a Trusted Broker designation for LQDFX, I will be delighted to pin that label on them.


i agree about the personal thing, i can also understand their frustration if the trader was lying on them

lol, but should of done it in international waters

Im actually very surprised about the lack of positive discussion about lmfx in this thread. Their customer service is very fast and helpful and their infrastructure is very reliable. They also still offer wire xfers in and out. Never had an issue with deposit ir withdrawals.

I personally trust them over every other broker.

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The Dutch AFM bans binary options and restricts the marketing or sales of CFDs


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just logged into FX Choice backoffice – not sure if this is a long term thing, but wire transfers are showing up for me for both deposits and withdrawal. deposits look like they have a 3k min amount

did they just enable wires recently? i didn’t see any email notification or announcement regarding this. nonetheless this is good news and hopefully the suspension was temporary.

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yes wire is back so far

Yep FXChoice has wires again. I wont post the bank name here…

If anyone sends a wire to FXChoice with new banking details please update on if the process goes smoothly.

the guy who got some of his money back from turnkey forex is back, im glad i didn’t put any money with this broker

I honestly don’t know what to make of that guy. His last thread ended with a request to close as he got all of his money back. And now this? ¯_(ツ)_/¯