Going offshore to escape the CFTC

i do know turnkey forex been quiet the whole time, we kept inviting this broker to FPA they refuse but instead gave the guy his money / profit, i haven’t talk to this guy on this matter to see about the 100k. bottom line they got busted and decided to pay him

looks like he is fishing for more money :rofl: and FPA is the only place that will help him achieve that.


I was trying to sign up with these guys to set up a demo. Do we really have provide our phone number? Dont want to share my number unless i decide to go live.

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I doubt it. Just put in a random number. I think you can download their MT4 and create a demo with random information.

be careful putting words in brokers mouth that doing evil, turnkey forex actions speaks for itself. that we do know

If you read carefully, i also wrote :point_down:

and if i was in similar situation i would never close the thread by saying i received my money. and considering how vocal that guy was, why would he simply close the case saying all is sorted. there seems to be more that what meets the eye

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did that and was able to set up an account. thanks :+1:

turnkey forex was invited to defend themselves so if there is more they need to come forward so traders can stop playing the guessing game assuming, but they go expose the first time so i don’t look for them to come forward. we shall see

Coinexx saves your crypto address? I’m not sure this is the best opsec idea when everyone is getting hacked. They would be a prime target.

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i understand but that’s the choice a trader has to make, some traders are moving large somes of money and don’t wanna take the risk of making a mistake

Saving your crypto address is not going to put you at any additional risk unless you use the same password for your Coinexx login as you do for your crypto wallet (not smart, for obvious reasons). Your crypto address is public record and available on the blockchain. All you need is Coinexx address(es) to see all addresses and amounts being transferred in/out.


So I mean, has anyone ever experienced issues withdrawing from turnkey or unreasonable documentation demands? If they really are corrupt than that leaves fxchoice, and lmfx and coinexx. And the guy said turnkey had ties to finpro and finpro was corrupt, and coinexx absorbed finpro so…

there are some traders here that use turnkey forex with no problems it seems like the bigger account the bigger the problems for 100k account holders, coinexx had an issue with 100k account holder as well, you gotta do your DD and take it from there

I certainly hope coinexx isn’t the same people as turnkey. In any case I really hope coinexx comes to there senses and adds 2fa google authentication. Far too unsafe. Main negative review on forex peac army seems related to typical crypto security failures that could have been prevented with 2fa. It’s kind of sad really if turnkey is indeed a criminal syndicate, because if a criminal syndicate made coinexx than I’m afraid I have to still give them credit due for being incredibly innovative, sadly that is our state of affairs.

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The guy is a bonafide nitwit and there is most likely a lot more to the story.

From Coinexx support:

Patrik Kane 16:52
Hi there!
2FA (2-factor authentication) is enabled and is triggered when someone accesses your account or perform any account operations. An OTP (one time password) is sent to your registered email id for verification.

Do you have any plans for incorporating 2FA for mobile? Thanks.

Patrik Kane 16:54
At the moment not, But I will definitely share your Idea with our team.

Coinexx has been really good about listening to traders. I would recommend reaching out to them and making any suggestions that you have. The more that people reach out about a particular issue, the more that they are likely to push for it.

there is always more to the story one side refuse to defend themselves after being busted for shady practice but the door is still open if they wanna tell their side of the story lol

the best way is to spread your money around with different brokers

Yeah idk, his original story never made much sense. And then suddenly everything was all good. And then now its not? :upside_down_face:

Nitwit struggled to get his money back from shady broker, he then stayed with supposedly shady broker and is crying foul…again?

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Coinexx has 2FA since the day I was moved from fin pro. I think their security is ok.

i don’t know either he did say they gave him his 400k profit the first time with this case now they owe him 100k so he must of stayed with said broker, turnkey forex refuse to comment on either case.