Going offshore to escape the CFTC

thank you clint

just got an email from cryptorocket i think now is the time to hammer home stable coin for withdrawals and deposits


Just a quick note from CryptoRocket to let you know we now have the capability to hold GBP and EUR in your wallet and for you to use in trading!

Added by popular request, we’ve been experiencing significant growth over the past few weeks especially as more people are staying in and keeping safe from Covid-19 that is plaguing the markets and causing incredible volatility. The addition of these currencies is just another example of our commitment to providing you the best trading experience.

If you are reading this and have other ideas and recommendations for improvements to CryptoRocket, please get in touch with support and we’ll examine the idea and add it to our improvements list.

If you need help depositing, just speak to our livechat and we can even ring you to walk you through it. We do callbacks!

Trade Safe, and more importantly, be safe during this pandemic.

CryptoRocket Support


Is CryptoRocket planning a Stablecoin; since it looks like only BTC is used at
this time?

yes they only deal with bitcoin i was saying i’m gonna suggest they start offering stable coin


Nice addition from CryptoRocket…

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anybody get an email from coinexx?

About what?


Yeah, it’s my favorite broker, BUT ! …
I haven’t investigated what I may need to do… they don’t explain what they
did; just give a list of dumbed down things to do. Re-installing the platform
is a disaster for most users; but it’s likely not needed… :frowning:

[EDIT] If I had to guess, I’d say they’ve changed their MT4/MT5 SERVER
endpoint addresses. If that’s all they did, it’s easy to pick up the new
server spec.

[EDIT2] Yeah, they’ve changed the endpoints, so no connection; and MT4
says “Account Disabled” but let’s see what we need to do to find the new
endpoint, if that’s what the problem is… [/edit2]

[EDIT3] It’s not good enough just to pick up the new Server
endpoint; account is shown as DISABLED so probably we
need to log into the Web Portal and do something before
they let us in… [/edit3]

[EDIT4] OK, logged into web portal, changed password, fortunately
google authenticator still works !! So from the platform “Open an Account”
is intended to refresh the endpoint; but I think that’s not up to date.
So re-installing their platform is how they are probably delivering the
new *.SRV files which are the real endpoint addresses. So, I’ll do a
dummy platform install and retrieve those *.SRV files, and maybe that
will work… [/edit4]

[EDIT5] this is a definite ShyteStorm since their platform download
for MT4 is now downloading installation for MT5 I’m on a chat with
their support now. A MESS [/edit5]


Greeting from Coinexx,

We have performed a key security update on our servers over this weekend. As a result of this update, a few users might experience issues while logging into their MT4 (or MT5) trading accounts.

In case you are facing any login related issues, please follow the below mentioned 3 steps to resolve them.

STEP 1: Reset MT4 / MT5 Account Password
Reset your MT4 (or MT5) account’s password from Client Portal - https://my.coinexx.com/accounts-operations
In case you do not know your Client Portal’s login password, you can quickly reset it using the “Forgot Password” button.

STEP 2: Reinstall MT4 / MT5 Platform

a) MT4 /MT5 Desktop Access:

Uninstall your existing MT4 /MT5 platform and then install our latest platform using the following links:

Once installed, open the MT4 / MT5 platform, and then:

  • Go to “File” > “Open an account”
  • "Open an account” dialog box appears
  • Click on “Add New Broker” and type “Coinexx”
  • Press enter and click on the Scan button. The Coinexx server (Coinexx Ltd) will get added
  • Click on “Next”
  • Select “Existing trade account” and Enter your “Trading ID” and “Password”
  • Click on “Finish”

b) Phone or i-Pad Access:

  • Go to “Settings” > “Manage Accounts” > “Login to an Existing Account” > In the search box, type “Coinexx” > Select “Coinexx-Demo” or “Coinexx-Live”, depending upon which account you are logging into > Add your “Trading ID” and “Password” > “Sign-in”

STEP 3: Reinstall EAs /Indicators
In case you are using any EAs (Expert Advisor) or Indicators on your account, they will need to be reinstalled.

The reason for this upgrade is simply to bolster the security protocols on our servers. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards
Coinexx Support

Email ID: [email protected] | Website: https://coinexx.com/ | Questions? Just ask at Live Chat

==> hyperscalper

1 Like

Yes, I get an account disabled message. I currently do not have funds with them. These are the reasons, I conduct 90% of business with the old faithfuls…Traders Way and FXChoice. I just never have any issues.


OK, so I had a chat with online support. Not very helpful, but she (Samantha)
did say the MT4 upgrades were still in progress, so I guess I’ll wait until
they are finished with them.

Here’s my Chat with Coinexx (Samantha)
Platform update, have you dropped MT4 ?
Show more
Sshaw 10:18
Hello Hyper
Hyper 10:19
What is your new MT4 Live Server endpoint ?
Sshaw 10:20
Have you received our email around system up gradation?
Hyper 10:21
yes, but your platform download for MT4 is now downloading MT5 !!! ?
I just need the MT4 endpoint change you seem to have made
Sshaw 10:24
Please use this link https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/15877/mt4/coinexx4setup.exe
Hyper 10:24
YES, that is an MT4 setup
But why can’t you just give us the spec for the new MT4 server endpoint?
Please fix the MT4 download link on the front page of your website
Sshaw 10:27
The up gradation is still going on
Hyper 10:27
So we should wait ???
Sshaw 10:27
so the download link will work fine in some time
Please use the link in our email
Hyper 10:27
OK. Can you say what happened?
Sshaw 10:30
Yes, our system went through an up gradation today. I am just forwarding you the email
Just sent it to you
Hyper 10:32
OK, will I be able to get into MT4 production in 4 hours time from now ?
Hyper 10:33
Thanks, Samantha. I’ll keep trying until I can get an MT4 successful connection to the new live endpoint

STATUS RIGHT NOW is: I can’t connect via MT4 using their new procedures and
presumably regenerating a new Coinexx endpoint, and the system says “Invalid Account”
probably due to an incorrect endpoint… #ShyteStormUpgradeAtCoinexx

[EDIT] I have like a dozen Coinexx accounts, so I’m waiting to see whether it’s just
an endpoint change, after all, and that’s all I have to change for all of my
MT4 servers in my pools…:frowning: [/edit]

[EDIT2] Well, I’ve tried everything I know; and it seems that MT4 open account
generates an invalid/incomplete Coinexx-Live.SRV file in the data directory. So,
I’ll have to chat again with Coinexx, I guess…I just need the IP address of
the new endpoint, I think, and then I can get connected [/edit2]


Greeting from Coinexx,

We have performed a key security update on our servers over this weekend. As a result of this update, a few users might experience issues while logging into their MT4 (or MT5) trading accounts.

In case you are facing any login related issues, please follow the below mentioned 3 steps to resolve them.

STEP 1: Reset MT4 / MT5 Account Password
Reset your MT4 (or MT5) account’s password from Client Portal -
In case you do not know your Client Portal’s login password, you can quickly reset it using the “Forgot Password” button.

STEP 2: Reinstall MT4 / MT5 Platform

a) MT4 /MT5 Desktop Access:

Uninstall your existing MT4 /MT5 platform and then install our latest platform using the following links:

Once installed, open the MT4 / MT5 platform, and then:

  • Go to “File” > “Open an account”
  • "Open an account” dialog box appears
  • Click on “Add New Broker” and type “Coinexx”
  • Press enter and click on the Scan button. The Coinexx server (Coinexx Ltd) will get added
  • Click on “Next”
  • Select “Existing trade account” and Enter your “Trading ID” and “Password”
  • Click on “Finish”

b) Phone or i-Pad Access:

  • Go to “Settings” > “Manage Accounts” > “Login to an Existing Account” > In the search box, type “Coinexx” > Select “Coinexx-Demo” or “Coinexx-Live”, depending upon which account you are logging into > Add your “Trading ID” and “Password” > “Sign-in”

STEP 3: Reinstall EAs /Indicators
In case you are using any EAs (Expert Advisor) or Indicators on your account, they will need to be reinstalled.

The reason for this upgrade is simply to bolster the security protocols on our servers. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards
Coinexx Support


Kate Butler 11:22
Kindly allow me a moment please.
Kindly be advised that the server is not available to a particular place. You are automatically connected to the best available server.
Hyper 11:26
I installed the new MT4 and that is provided with a Coinexx-Live.SRV file in its config data folder
That doesn’t connect.
So, using the “Open Account” for Coinexx writes a new SRV file. But that file seems to be invalid, with no IP address in it, and I can’t connect
Kate Butler 11:28
Okay. Kindly provide me with your trading id.
Hyper 11:29
MT4 nnnnnnnn with password ppppppppp Coinexx-Live
Kate Butler 11:29
Thank you. I have raised a ticket for your concern and the back office team will resolve it within the next 24 hours.
Hyper 11:30
Is your MT4 upgrade process completed now ??
Kate Butler 11:31
Yes it is completed. Due to heavy rush it may not be working. we will process it at our end.
Hyper 11:32
OK, but I need to get into production and connect, so why can’t I just get the IP address endpoint so I can connect? Do I need to change the SERVER PASSWORD, since you have disabled accounts? It should be just the endpoint, so I can connect
Kate Butler 11:32
Yes, you do need to change the password to the trading platforms. There is no particular server that i can provide you with an IP address with.
Hyper 11:33
How do I change the MT4 server platform, if I don’t even know the Server endpoint address?
Please tell me what did you change? Did you DISABLE MT4 accounts?
Did you change the server address?
Kate Butler 11:36
I am highly apologetic for the inconvenience. But we do not have a single and particular IP address as you are connected with the best available.
Hyper 11:36
WHAT DID COINEXX CHANGE? Did you disable accounts?
Kate Butler 11:37
We have upgraded our trading platforms.
Hyper 11:37
YES, but what does that mean we have to do ?
Kate Butler 11:40
I apologize for the inconvenience. Your issue will be taken care of at the earliest.
Hyper 11:44
I installed the platform MT4 again, and followed instructions to “Open an Account” which generates the SRV file and then attempting to connect, I see “Invalid Account”
Have the accounts been DISABLED?
Kate Butler 11:45
Kindly wait as i work on your concern
Hyper 11:45
Inside the Coinexx-Live.SRV file there does not appear to be any IP address
So then I am unable to connect
A valid SRV file contains an IP address
“Account Disabled” is the status I am seeing on the MT4 terminal
Kate Butler 11:50
Kindly be advised that we are working on your concern and it will be done at the earliest


==> hyperscalper

Samantha emailed me this:

Hi Hyper,

Please note that for security reasons, we cannot share the server address. However we can definitely help you to log in

Please follow these steps

Go to “File” > “Open an account”
"Open an account” dialog box appears
Click on “Add New Broker” and type “Coinexx”  <== me: Generates new Server endpoint 
Press enter and click on the Scan button. The Coinexx server (Coinexx Ltd) will get added
Click on "Next"
Select “Existing trade account” and Enter your “Trading ID” and “Password”
Click on “Finish”

Your MT4 password for \NNNNNNN has been reset to PPPPPPPPP <== me: CHANGED ALSO

Please get back to me if you still face any issues

Senior Client Relations Manager

Not only did they change the Coinexx MT4 Server EndPoint,
but they ALSO disabled accounts until a Password Change
was made on the MT4 Servers…


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On the new install, the SRV had the following ip address:

However there is no tick data history

1 Like is what I see, so that agrees with yours !!

Did you have to change the Server password as well for each account??

Now I have to use that, and CHANGE MT4 SERVER PASSWORDS for
a dozen or so accounts. Again, THANKS COINEXX ! :frowning:


I did change the password yes.

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After the new install and login, feed is empty. No feed data. Anyone else seeing this?

It has to wait for market to open to download new data.

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Just spent the last 2 hours…

Resetting passwords
Re-Installing MT4 & 5
Copying over my old historical data folders, chart profiles & templates, indicators/EAs & setting the program & chart layouts the way I had it before.

What a pain in the ass!

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Most people will be annoyed but probably think that the added security is a good thing. The few that know better will likely suspect that they have been compromised and are not willing to disclose it.

Because, let’s face it, if they were NOT hacked, then at the very least, they would have sent out notices beforehand, letting traders know about what to expect. Tsk tsk.