Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Ticket support Ticket #BO6I2

Welcome back James.

James Lucas 15:53

ok he already in talks with you guys, you guys say the bitcoins never showed up Ticket support Ticket #BO6I2

im hoping you guys can resolve this matter as he going over to forexpeacearmy to start a scam folder, you guys been good to me and i trust you guys


Charles 15:55

Kindly be advised that we cannot disclose information to other clients. This seems to be more intensive research which requires more investigation.

there was a trader on FPA that had the same problem at tradersway and tradersway was able to track down the funds, so lets hope the same happens here


I received an email confirmation shortly thereafter that it was resolved and funds were deposited accordingly.

Again I don’t think they were doing anything nefarious, so all is good with them imo.


Next time please “Only use one wallet address for one transaction” gl👍

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good to hear, next time follow the rules and use one transaction per bitcoin address it doesn’t matter what you think about how the blockchain works it’s their rules - One Transaction Per Bitcoin address

EDIT: i done over 20 withdrawals with eaglefx and never had one problem with them, the easy way to get your money out is to do an internal transfer to your USD wallet than do a withdraw request you should have your money within 2hrs most of the time it’s within 1hr

BTW: most if not all brokers who except crypto has that rule- One transaction per ctypto address, must be a security thing


I am happy that Cryptosurf and SmallPaul were successful in chasing the money.

A big thank you to SmallPaul who is always there for the others and not only with suggestions but goes on to the battlefield as well! This is very important and I am sure the case was solved quickly because he was active on the chat with support.

Also important what he wrote in the end: next time follow the rules and use one transaction per bitcoin address it doesn’t matter what you think about how the blockchain works it’s their rules - One Transaction Per Bitcoin address.

That quote is crucial. Brokers make enough mistakes but we should be fair to them. In many cases traders blame brokers for their own mistakes and use brokers to make excuses for their own mistakes. Seriously, is it really helping to blame a broker for its blockchain strategy execution when the trader made a mistake??? I do not think so, at least if there is an open case. The broker might have a strange strategy but in this case the trader did not follow the rules. Discussion is over.

The situation is different now, when the case is over. Now, if Cryptosurf is interested why the broker works that way, then maybe a discussion with them can be started, to get an explanation for that and maybe request a change if possible for the future.

Have a great day everyone after such a great cooperation.


Yeah many thanks again for SmallPaul rattling the chains.

My issue was not so much the btc transfer policy, (and admitted to my error), but more so getting them to understand the transfer obviously did complete. Im not a BTC scientist but i am savvy enough to know what happened by looking at the various chain explorers and what it all means. And how it all works.

A wallet address is valid till the end of time. As long as someone has the private keys, they can spend whats in it. Its not rocket science and it never was.



here’s what i think, the bitcoin address is link to your account for one transaction once that transaction goes thru that address is no longer link to your account so any bitcoin sent to that address after the first transaction it sits unspent in that wallet until it is claim by the broker.

EDIT: i have no problem with brokers uses diffrent crypto address for every transaction it takes away having to sort out many deposits to the same crypto address


Yeah it looks are utilizing randomized addresses for security purposes. The automated system then credits the account.

That wallet address will most likely never be used again. But is still a valid address, if any transfers are sent then would have to go thru manual review.

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you said the magic word automated if brokers use the same crypto address for traders deposits it becomes manual because they will have to match the transaction ID to traders account so they can make the right credit


like i said this happen with tradersway and they was able to credit client account, lesson learn here is to use the crypto address one time only and generate another address for your next deposit and so on


Yeah it was literally a fat finger error when sending and happen within seconds. Instead of sending 0.1384150 i sent 0.01384150

That is one thing I wish the cash app had was a button to “send max” like other exchanges.


so that also added to the confusing the wrong amount?

No confusion on the amounts, more so just acknowledgment of receipt of the second transaction. IMO They were a bit fuzzy what they were looking at and how to interpret the blockchain explorer. It did show successful confirmation to the wallet.

Last exchange with them was they misinterpreted what “spent” and “unspent” means. They thought it was transfer confirmation when in reality its amounts in the wallet that have been redeemed, cashed out, etc.

After I sent them a clear explanation of what the explorer shows they cleared it.


ok cool i got it, im glad everything works out and that you continue to use eaglefx they are a good solid broker so far


Question you say that wallet stays open forever does that mean any bitcoins sent to that address by mistake the bitcoins can sit there unclaim?

remember that black market website where the owner went to prison the u.s. goverment claim there is about $400 million in unlclaim bitcoin link to that website that they can’t get to

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That is correct. Wallet addresses are valid until the end of time. Whoever holds the private keys to that wallet will have always have access. I could send additional amount now, and if confirmed on the chain will sit there “unspent”.

When there are “coin burns” what actually happens is coins are sent to a wallet where the private keys addresses have been intentionally ignored/disregarded.

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so it’s about who have access to the private key, i got it

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Exactly, there’s a saying in the BTC world "Your keys, your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin.”

Heres also a good short read on it: Bitcoin Private Keys: Everything You Need To Know