Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Looks like Coinexx cannot handle large accounts with high leverage. Thanks for sharing.


No kidding, would never happen on a futures account


they disable his account force him to agree to lower leverage before they enable his account :open_mouth:


Total amateur hour over there on coinexx


Diversify, diversify, diversify. If you split a 5 lot trade among 5 brokers, itā€™s only 1 lot each. Any of our brokers can handle that. This also would only require you to keep around 15K at each broker for margin (and that is being on the safe side). Probably 12-13 K would suffice.


iā€™m more concern about his account being hack and somebody tried to withdraw 50k from his account, coinnex had several security breaches already witch i suspect is a inside job


Yo SmallPaul did I not mention this setup to you?

@traderskew on Twitter has this setup Adam Desk - Macrohedged Options | Directional | Intelligence


i like that set up but hereā€™s a question for you https://youtu.be/boUQsQsoAdM

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Honestly I think stacking would be better for trading. Would be easier on the neck. Span would be awesome for gaming, especially for something like racing or flight sim.


Thanks for sharing, very interesting read!. But is it really possible to make millions from $4K in only 3 months?Also, I donā€™t understand why someone would not enable 2FA on such a big account.

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6 figures is anything over 100K, so I think it is possible especially at 500x leverage.


Good question.

No that is unrealistic.

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More like highly risky then unrealistic. Since the instrument was the Dow and it has been pretty volatile, it could very well get there pretty quickly.

Iā€™ve been trading that exclusively for the past few months and she has been a great money maker. I wouldnā€™t go as high as 500x. My comfort zone has always been 100x.

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Just read it more carefully - trader made $200K+ from a 4K deposit in 3 months with 500X leverage, while trading 300+ Lots of DOW.

Coinexx does have low spreads and the DOW has been quite volatile since Feb, so it sounds some one reaped High Rewards by risking their $4K. Wish I could borrow some that luck

Btw, also I could dig that trader owns a large training institute, with a YT channel and a huge following on FB.


Sorry if this question has been asked already, but how does the process work when depositing to CryptoRocket with CashApp? Thanks in advance guys


That case sounds like the LPs were rejecting his tradesā€¦that will happen if you try to do those huge trades through a retail broker

Are they a real trader or a marketer though?

Just a heads up. I reached out to Coinexx about an issue with the leverage drop-down in MT5 Test Optimization; it only shows 1:100 leverage. They replied back to me saying that they are looking into it.