Going offshore to escape the CFTC

The only options that I’m aware of are Hugosway, Cryptorocket & Eaglefx


The CFTC is an independent federal agency, not under the purview of the SEC.

In the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, Congress mandated that the CFTC and the SEC work together to devise a regulatory regime for (single) stock futures, instruments which clearly straddle the fence between the two agencies’ areas of authority. Other than that mandated cooperation, the two agencies are independent of one another.

Here are some excerpts from Wikipedia’s article on the CFTC

Congress created the CFTC in 1974 as an independent federal regulatory agency. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-463) created the CFTC to replace the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Exchange Authority. The Act made extensive changes to the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) of 1936, which itself amended the original Grain Futures Act of 1922. (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).

Based in Washington, D.C., the CFTC maintains regional offices in Chicago, New York and Kansas City, Missouri. The Commission consists of five Commissioners appointed by the President of the United States to serve staggered five-year terms. The President, with the consent of the United States Senate, designates one of the commissioners to serve as chairman. No more than three commissioners at any one time may be from the same political party.[26]

The CFTC’s mandate was renewed and expanded in December 2000 when Congress passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, which instructed the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CFTC to develop a joint regulatory regime for single-stock futures, the products of which began trading in November 2002.

@MrInvisible – sorry for rewording your quote. If I hadn’t done that, the forum’s automated system would have deleted the quote, because it won’t allow “an entire” post to be quoted.


“They” was referring to Robinhood and securities trading not the CFTC as an agency… I feel like I need a shower for defending the CFTC :rofl:

Ah, now it makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

Maybe I should delete my post.

Wanted to do a test BTC withdrawal from FXChoice and it was completed in about 16.5 hours from the time of my request. Definitely not as fast as EagleFX or CryptoRocket, but I’ll take it.

EDIT: FXChoice only processes withdrawals Monday-Friday, the other 2 process them on weekends too, so there’s that


Does anyone know if FTMO offers the following index instruments: SPX500m, TECH100m and WS30m

I emailed them and got basically a canned response short on specifics. “FTMO offers whatever LMAX offers.”

LMAX has three separate feeds depending on the country. NY4 feed is FX+Gold and Silver

Yes, I traded the S&P yesterday. There are two different instruments, I believe one is a futures contact the other CFD. We must trade the CFD. Pricing is exactly the same.


Any particular reason Cryptorocket and Eaglefx aren’t on the trusted brokers list? I am aware of HugosWay’ problems.

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Hugo… Was a possible rebrand from another broker that had business practices issues, but I personally had no problem with them when I had an account there.

EagleFX & CRocket… many here have had good experiences with them, however both are newer brokers around here, and it takes time to get on the list.


eaglefx and cryptorocket are on my most trusted broker list but hugosway altho they pay withdrawals they have massive complaints of other wrong doings


Hey Smallpaul,
What is the best way to deposit and withdrawal to eaglefx without losing too much money though bitcoin price changes. I just made a $200 deposit to test before I make a big deposit and I already lost $8

they only allow bitcoin deposit and withdrawals

Anyone have experience with FXBrew?


Any improvement in gbp cross spreads @ LMAX? Any difference in spreads between UK & NY servers?

Yes, they are slightly better in London and NY, between 3-4, but right now GBPAUD is 6.9, Traders Way is 2.6. I just don’t understand how TW can be kicking LMAX ass on spreads.


I cannot speak about Trader’s Way. I have seen similarities between Coinexx and what is provided through LMAX via FTMO.

The spreads are supposedly a result of what the liquidity providers are giving the broker, although there may be little way of knowing what a broker is actually doing. So, results may automatically vary due to that reasoning, regardless of the amount of volume that a broker supposedly does.

Also, it is my understanding that FTMO has brokered a special arrangement with LMAX for their US traders, which may not be indicative of what LMAX actually provides. However, regarding any special arrangements, there is no telling what those specifics might entail.

you can compare brokers spreads with different currency pairs at


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best way I have found is to transfer BTC like you would trade BTC. EagleFX handles transfers pretty fast, so you can use a shorter timeframe like the 30 minute chart, and look for a strong Buy signal on BTCUSD before you place your transfer. Every BTC transaction with brokers carries fees, so hopefully catching the price on an upswing can help counteract the fees and prevent any drop in price.

I just did a test withdrawal from FXChoice for $50 and lost $1.11 in the process. To me, being able to get money into my bank account from a broker in Belize within 24 hours (with EagleFX it should be just a couple hours) for around a buck is fine with me

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Well, it’s a %. So only a buck for $50, but $10 for $500, $100 for 5K, etc.

I agree, when I was splitting my ticket size across several offshore brokers last year I really wanted to try eaglefx but I just couldn’t take the risk of random costs with BTC only withdrawals. Until they get ripple or stable coin support some will find the exchange costs due to potential volatility during transfer period to be extremely expensive. That being said, they have a great reputation so far.

When I was using BTC in the past with brokers before switching to XRP & Stable coins, on deposits I waited for the pending transactions to be <5000 (lower wait times in blockchain) and movement in the last 2 hours to be <.05% (minimal recent volatility). With withdrawals it was basically taking my chances since I had no idea when they would send it, however eagle/crocket are fast so this strategy might work for withdrawals also.

Another strategy on deposits only is to hedge the transfer with a 1:1 short BTC/USD position once you purchase the crypto until transfer hits your account.