Going offshore to escape the CFTC

fxchoice charge a fee for crypto withdrawals, i can withdraw 1k from eaglefx and never lost over $3 dollars in the process

EDIT: tradersway is the same way but you can withdraw stable coin with tradersway instead of bitcoins

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AAFX, Iā€™m thinking about giving them a try. Low swap fees are important to me; Iā€™ve been using myfxbook brokers section to compare spread & swap fees. Coinexx has horrible swap fees for long on EURUSD. AAFX, according to their site and reaching out to their support about it, all of their accounts are swap free. They also seem to have decent spreads using myfxbook comparison.

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Another reason Traders Way is my favorite broker. USDC withdrawals.


around what time do you do your bitcoin transfers to avoid votility? Yesterday I made a deposit of $200 to eagle fx. I lost 4 dollars in the process. Then I made a withdrawl and I have $191 in my wallet. Price of bitcoin fell a bit so I have able to convert it to use for $189. I want to make a $5,000 dollar deposit but Iā€™m guessing I will lose almost 200-300 bucks. I use coinexx because they have usdc but I will have to use eaglefx because they have stocks.

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They also emailed me asking why I was making a withdrawl without making any trades. I explained to them the deposit was just to get familiar with the process and they issued my withdrawl within 1 hour so that was really fast ! Coinexx will take like one whole day just to process it .

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I really, really like trading with EagleFX, even over Crypto Rocket, and would love nothing more than have them be my main broker - but I just canā€™t. They arenā€™t internationally registered, and they only do BTC withdrawals. Even the non-registered bit I can swim with, but I donā€™t want to always go through a middle-man to get my trading profits, and so far with BTC I need to - either an exchange or an app.

Iā€™m still thinking about getting a 2nd online bank account if I can find one that accepts BTC deposits. That would eliminate the middle-man wonderfully. And just have them be my trading bank, and have my paying the bills bank separate.

But every time I think down the road, and think about having a six or seven-figure trading account with EagleFX, I get really nervous. FXChoice isnā€™t as easy, but I know I can trust them down the road.

Iā€™d even give over KYC docs to EagleFX if they got themselves registered. I love trading stocks with them.



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yeah, I made a post a while back when I was looking - thereā€™s actually 2 decent American banks, but I havenā€™t done enough research (i.e., cared enough) to check if they allow direct crypto deposits from offshore. Itā€™s still down the road a bit


Iā€™ll personally vouch for Ally. Iā€™ve used them for approximately a year as a 2nd bank and have no complaints.


do they allow direct BTC deposits? Thatā€™s all Iā€™m really looking for in a 2nd bank

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where are you buying your bitcoins from?

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who do you want eaglefx to be register with? the reason why we get these trading conditions is because they are not register with any regulator. and no a belize regulators canā€™t stop fxchoice from running off with your money but they are the #1 most trusted broker on my list

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You read my mind smallpaul, if they register they go to the brokers we cannot use list. Just like all of the other wonderful, regulated brokers around the globe which we cannot use.


Cryptocurrency Markets May Be Decentralized but Theyā€™re Still Accountable

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AAFX (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)

The minimum requirements for brokers to be listed in our Group 1 are ā€”

(1) the broker is domiciled offshore, out of the reach of the CFTC

(2) the broker accepts U.S. clients

(3) we have no evidence that the broker is a scam

Based on these minimum requirements, AAFX (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) qualifies to be our List, and I will add them today.

Initially, the AAFX listing will be bare-bones, without the detailed info. That detail will be added in the coming days.

So far, I have noticed one positive feature regarding this broker: AAFX claims to segregate all customer funds in ā€œreputable European banksā€.


In their Trading Conditions documentation, they have a rule you have to keep a trade open for more than 60 seconds.

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Im confused by these banks that say they accept bitcoin. Ally and USAA state that they ā€œlinkā€ to your Coinbase account. So I assume you still have to send to Coinbase. Im not sure thatā€™s something to get too excited about.

I have signed up with Simple Bank, but have yet to see anything about sending/receiving bitcoin.


Well that is actually saying something, some banks block transactions with crypto exchanges.

The banking system as a whole is extremely hostile to crypto, they view it as a fundamental threat to their current business model. I doubt banks would want the heat from their peers, federal reserve and gov officials legitimizing crypto in that manner as an equal to fiat currency.


In 2015 yes, not in 2020. Banking system with crypto is easier then ever. I know they have cracked down on crypto purchases via credit cards. Especially after the last boom/bust in 2017 with CC defaults that went thru the roof.

I was referring to banks that natively accept (and convert to fiat) without the hassle of going thru an exchange.

Coinbaseā€“>Paypalā€”>Fiat Bank Account VS any crypto walletā€”>Fiat Bank Account

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Yikes. That would likely rule out some EAā€™s and scalpers. Curious why they impose this rule unless they are using a data feed and are concerned about mirroring real-market conditions.

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