Going offshore to escape the CFTC

years, and i don’t understand why other offshore brokers are so scared of the CFTC

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CFTC offshore can put pressure on the bank they use to hand over the money in their accounts and some banks do. That is the main reason why brokers are scared of CFTC. Otherwise It would be a privilege to make the CFTC List. Like you passed a test being on the biggest county no no list.

not one time the CFTC was successful forcing a offshore broker bank to hand over U.S. clients money, the only thing can due is sue just like they did Tallinex and JAFX, and Tallinex still haven’t paid their us clients

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their was 2 a long time ago when they first started because SWIFT was so powerful back then why they were successful in getting broker money but for the last 15 or 20+ years they have not been able todo anything to offshore brokers. Why I said broker should be we are on CFTC RED list on the broker website. Something to be proud of being a member of CFTC RED list. How I view the RED for CFTC for offshore brokers. This is the list you want to put money with … if a broker is not on that list then it is ??? in my view so one should be careful…


went to do a withdrawal at Eaglefx and receive a email about my withdrawal so i cancel my withdrawal, sounds like they are upgrading how they process payment. here the email

" Dear James,

I hope this email finds you well.

Kindly be advised that we are experiencing some minor delays to our usual timeframe regarding withdrawals. This would be due to a software update on implementing even faster withdrawals in the future. One of our Payment agents will be in touch with you within 24-hours if not less. We thank you for your cooperation and patience.

If you need anything else do not hesitate to contact us again, we are happy to help.

We are available 24/7 via live chat, email, by booking a call back request or alternatively, you can go to our FAQs."


Wow, thanks for sharing that about enfoid, had no idea, does FTMO do the same thing!?

I did a small EagleFX withdrawal on Saturday and it went through to Coinbase Pro in literally about 2 minutes. Fastest W/D I’ve ever received from any broker, even them. Was going to post in here my compliments to them but forgot. LOL


wow, so they are getting faster on their withdrawals. no need for brokers to take over 12hrs to process withdrawals because prime brokers are settling trades with lp and process funds within 30mins with brokers

" Trade Clearing and Settlement Services offered by Prime Brokerages
Prime brokerages may also offer trade clearing and settlement services to its clients.

Each trading day, all trades need to be cleared and settled. This is the process whereby all trading accounts are updated and arrangements are made for the transfer of both money and securities in accordance with any trading that was conducted throughout the day.

​All orders are therefore reconciled and all accounts settled before the next day of trading takes place. While individual institutions (such as hedge funds) may choose to do this themselves, most usually opt to have this handled by the prime brokerage to simplify the process and to make it more efficient. "

i read a few months back certain forex prime broker now clear and settle trades within 30min


Just use Coinbase

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In the continuing quest to find a US bank that accepts direct BTC deposits from brokers, I asked one of the online banks I use that direct question, and their reply:

While we’d like to lend a hand, our accounts aren’t equipped to link to bitcoin accounts.

So I think there is a lot of stuff I simply don’t understand or know about. It’s not as simple as pushing a button on a keyboard, there are things “under the surface” that are too complicated for my brain to understand to make this happen.

But I still think someone, somewhere out there right now is working on it, and we’ll see a bank in the near future with the infrastructure in place to accept direct BTC or other Crypto transfers. Someone needs to lead the charge.


right now some big banks only offer that service to their high net-worth clients. keeping smaller transactions crypto buyers and seller to exchanges like coinebase and coinbase pro

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yeah, I’m thinking it’s just not very cost efficient for banks to handle crypto right now. Not enough interest in general to pay for it, but with those whales I’m sure the banks make their cut and it’s worth their time


Stumbled upon this bank today:

Anyone know anything about it? I’m doing research right now. They got hacked a couple months ago which isn’t very good, but they repaid all their affected customers.

Appears they accept direct BTC deposits. But they only have accounts in EUR and GBP right now, so you would still need something like TransferWise to get it to your main US bank, but it’s a start.

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FTMO Challenge


You are lucky, I can’t get my metrics to work correctly, and FTMO is horrible when it comes to answering questions.

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when FTMO says “Max daily loss” - that’s actual losing trades in the books, not drawdown, correct?

No that is closed trades + floating

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congrad :+1:

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Hi, just a followup report on Coinexx… Ive been trading it in demo mode for about a month… Opened a live account, got a phone call from sales support welcoming me. Really nice woman from UK with Indian accent. I wired 2500 on a Tuesday from USA, wire was in my account before Friday morn. Had to ask them to reimburse my 30 dollar wire fee, but did so instantly. So far, very impressed with the company. Love the 500:1 ! Seems to trade live fine. Of course, we will see what happens if I start to make money and want to withdraw. But to be honest, Im pretty impressed so far. Hope it continues… Will follow-up in a couple months.


AceFx .com seems to be accepting U.S. clients. Have you tried them?