Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Hi SerenityNow,

Unfortunately, Crypto Rocket is out of the running, as well.

See these posts —


Any offshore broker that offers cfd on ETF’s

Thanks again for the added insight there - this is one of the most helpful resources i’ve found online (up there with forexpeacearmy / FPA) - but as it relates to this specific topic (locating / evaluating offshore forex brokers - there is no other resource that comes close to this thread).

The process for a US citizen to open an offshore forex account (especially “funding” the account) is a pretty arduous task. I believe the benefits are worth it though. We are slowly moving forward with LMFX to open the accounts (they did better in the overall due diligence process which included plowing through all of the reviews on FPA). When you read enough reviews on FPA you realize there are a lot of people attempting to trade forex who should still be learning how to trade forex :wink:

I look forward to sharing how things work out.



lol guess that leaves EagleFX then…


i usee them, never had any problems


Coinnex, Eagle fx and Turnkey appear at this list.

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I especially like that last paragraph.

However, the press release emphasized that registration is no guarantee against fraud or mismanagement by an unethical firm, although it does help bring a higher level of security and accountability to the industry.

CFTC is essentially a shakedown operation.


you notice it does not say it’s illegal to trade with those offshore brokers because they are not register with the cftc

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

As we have pointed out from time to time in this thread, the CFTC’s “RED” List is meant to look threatening – but, it’s basically an empty threat. Those of us who do our own due diligence do not choose our brokers based on the approval (or disapproval) of the CFTC.

Nevertheless, it’s interesting to keep track of the CFTC’s efforts to smear offshore brokers who have the audacity to host U.S. clients.

Here’s where our listed brokers stand, with respect to the “RED” List:

The 12 brokers in Group 1 of our Offshore Broker List

(in each category, brokers are listed in alphabetical order)

1. Seven of our brokers are on the CFTC’s “RED” List

Coinexx (SVG)
EagleFX (Dominica)
FX Choice (Belize)
LQDFX (Marshall Islands)
Trader’s Way (Dominica)
Turnkey Forex (Mauritius)

2. Five of our brkers are not yet on the “RED” List —
but the little Nazis at the CFTC will get around to these, eventually

LMFX (Macedonia)
Renesource Capital (Latvia)
FX Brew (Seychelles)
FxGlory (SVG)
PaxForex (SVG)

3. Seven brokers on the “RED” List were previously on our List

Capital City Markets (Vanuatu)
FinPro Trading (UK)
Forex Broker Inc. (Marshall Islands)
Forex Metal (Panama)
Real Forex (Belize)
Tallinex (SVG)
TradeWiseFX (SVG)


I talked to my lawyer friend in Dallas about trading out of the US and she says you need to separate FX (which she says is not regulated in the Eu in their MIFID Regulations) from EU regulated products like stocks, futures, CFDs etc. Because Fx is not regulated there is very little that the CFTC can do if the fx broker has no office in the US. If the fx broker does, the CFTC can bear pressure on the broker not to sell products to US clients in Europe which are illegal in the US. Makes sense. As far as Regulated Products go, "The SEC’s interpretation of U.S. federal securities laws limits Non U.S. Broker-Dealers to working with those permanently resident outside the USA. Non U.S. broker-dealers cannot approach and/ or solicit U.S. resident persons because an Internet Web site is interpreted by the SEC as being the same as a telephone call to a client.


as long as a offshore broker don’t have a physical presence or use a IB that is located in the U.S. there is nothing the cftc can do but add you to their silly red list

EDIT: offshore brokers also can’t solicit U.S. residents on their websites

Can you guys help me with bitcoin wallet? Which one you recommend?

The way I interpret this is, if you are on the “RED List” it means you are untouchable by the CFTC, or they would do more to you than add you to a list.

To me, being on that list is a badge of honor and I wouldn’t trade with a broker who is NOT on that list. That list literally means “this broker is beyond our ‘control’ so we can’t ‘protect you’ so be careful with them” which means the CFTC can’t get to them.


here is a quote from cfct red list website RED List | CFTC

Registration Matters :rofl:

Even if the entity you are considering is not on the RED List, always check to see if it is registered with the CFTC before opening an account or paying any money.

Generally, entities that solicit you to trade are required to register with the CFTC. If a foreign entity is registered with the Commission, then it is subject to the same regulations and oversight that apply to U.S. registrants.

You may have little or no protections if you choose to trade with unregistered firms that operate outside the United States.

If an unregistered entity solicits you, exercise extreme caution, and watch for the RED flags of fraud. (Although registration offers many protections, it is no guarantee against fraud or mismanagement.) ’ :rofl:


IRS puts cryptocurrency front and center of 2020 tax return

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First stage to find every one so IRS will know who to target. Next is to lock it down so only crypto can go through some path the IRS and get their hands on it…then come after the assets after USA locks its down.


uncle sam Sam

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How long has FX Choice and TradersWay been on the Red List? Years right?

There’s gotta be one person out there sitting behind a desk with a CFTC shirt on, just like the Sector 7 dude in Transformers, jealous of profitable traders using these offshore brokers–determined to shut them down like the Grinch trying to end Christmas.