Going offshore to escape the CFTC

so what’s going on with FXCHOICE clint said they told him no more U.S. Traders

they told me on support that i have no restrictions on my account currently fwtiw

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I’m just gonna level with you guys, I think the feds are watching this forum, im sure we know they always have, but they are really really watching it now and they are on a warpath, this is all to do with bitmex


Could just be existing members are free to trade as usual, just no more new US clients? Haven’t tried creating a new account yet. Little scared to. LOL

But that’s what JAFX did, then they closed the door completely. Probably what Trader’s Way will do too

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can’t speak to anyone else in here, but I’m a pretty small fish in the trading world

Are you sure @Clint
Their chat support still confirms that they are accepting clients from the US

Yes their Red List is definitely a target list

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anybody see the responds by paxforex on FPA, look like even the withdrawal process will be hard for U.S. traders


yes the feds are watching this thread and FPA threads, taking names and taking notes

@greenflash808 CFTC could ban all state-side members from conducting business with the offshore brokers. This would choke off their (the offshore brokers) access to everything from adequate market maker liquidity to payroll loans and everything in between. There’s a multitude of different ways being choked off from the Bulge Bracket “legitimate” US institutions could hinder an offshore broker’s ability to compete in the marketplace

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Only thing by cutting off access to good brokers will just make people give up their citizenship. That is all they are doing by this.

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I’m only sure of what I know first-hand.

I received a heads-up from a reliable source at FX Choice – the FX Choice Rep, here on the Babypips forum. This person has been thoroughly vetted by the Babypips administration as someone who speaks for FX Choice. Therefore, I think we can take the information given to us at face value.

• FX Choice intends to cease onboarding U.S. clients.

• For now, trading conditions will not be affected for existing U.S. clients of FX Choice.

That’s what I’m “sure” of — because that’s what I’ve been told by someone I believe.

Here’s what I think, based on experience, and “reading between the lines” —

• The intention to cease onboarding new U.S. clients doesn’t necessarily mean that FX Choice will shut the door today, or Monday morning, or sometime next week. It only means what it says: they intend to do it. If, and when, that happens, no doubt the FX Choice website will block sign-ups from U.S. residents, you’ll read about their new policy in Finance Magnates or LeapRate, and we’ll have to deal with our
FX Choice listing in Group 1. Until then, that listing will remain.

• For now, nothing will change for existing U.S. clients of FX Choice. Could that change in the future?
Of course. But, I think we can rest assured that FX Choice will deal with their U.S. clients honestly and respectfully, in the event that parting ways with us becomes necessary sometime in the future.
FX Choice has been with us, as a Group 1 broker, for more than 8 years. And they have been designated a Trusted Broker for more than 5 years. They were (and are), in fact, our first Trusted Broker. During our long association with FX Choice, that broker has proven its worth and its reliability.

The FX Choice Rep asked me to handle all of this information with “discretion”. I hope that I have fulfulled that expectation of discretion, by the way in which I have passed this information on to you.


but that’s what the CFTC could do to us traders, not them. (but I hear what you mean)

from what I know most offshore brokers have mostly non-US clients anyway. they would survive without us.

my thoughts are basically the CFTC can “fake sue” the offshore broker with a meaningless lawsuit that won’t win, but will tie up the broker with lawyer fees and hassles so that it’s just easier to drop the 25% or so of US clients

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Isn’t ForexTradingPro …Tradersway? I know Tradersway mentioned them as an alternative broker to them. I already have an approved account and they seem exactly the same in everyway as Tradersway accept I don’t see MT5 platform option yet. https://www.forextrading.pro/

I seriously doubt a lot of people would want to give up their citizenship for this purpose

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Thank you for the details @Clint
I really appreciate your effort and completely trust what you are saying, we should tread with caution assuming they intend to do it sooner or later because of CFTC

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USA removes my ability to have access to offshore markets then I give up my citizenship. I have no reason to be here. I will head down to central america or islands.


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I think tomorrow while watching football I’m going to go ahead and create live accounts with every Group 1 broker that I don’t already have an account with. That way, if they do stop accepting new US clients, but current account holders can remain, I can sneak in the back door :wink:

I just need an offshore broker to stay open long enough for me to get into FTMO, and I’ll burn through brokers one by one if I need to. LOL

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FTMO is the way to go. I am funded with them. You have the benefit of great trading conditions, no risk of your own money, much larger account size(at least in my case). I will earn way more money with them than I could on my own much smaller account. I think we’re good as we are trading a demo account, so we have no live account with any broker. They are really just contracting us and paying us for services.