Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Heard about this. Also looking into crypto.com for a similar deal. Stake money to get lots of cash back etc. Cheers for reminding me!

This seems good, specially with the debit/credit card deposit option
Do you know what is their transaction fee??

I don’t know a single thing about them. They didn’t accept US clients until I copy & pasted that email just now. You’ll have to do some research if you want to try them

EDIT: I do know that they’ve been around for awhile and are used by other people in the world. they just never accepted US clients before now so I’ve never cared to do specific research

how long did it take you to get your withdrawls from sagefx?

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Less than 8 hour for sagefx one was done in 3 hours other two was 7 and 8 hours basically one trading session… IE asian request it was done in europe…

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No, the brokers. What would I need a payroll loan for lol? I’m a company of one. Those are all measures the CFTC can indirectly levy against offshore brokers through CFTC member firms, which is all major US institutions; and by extension, all major foreign institutions that do business with their US counterparts (UBS, HSBC, Deutsche bank, etc.) If it helps to simplify, no BB firm is going to risk the ire of the CFTC over small potatoes business with some tiny offshore broker the CFTC has marked. Without BB’s you’re effectively shut out of capital markets, and that kills your firm.

I funded my Coinexx account 4 days ago. Spreads are fantastic and execution is great even when I am trading higher lot sizes (got no slippage on even 5 lots of GBPJPY). Just loving them so far.


Are there any updates from FX choice…has anyone received any communication from them yet?

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So EagleFX. I have an account with them and I really like how fast their withdrawal process is and to be honest that may be a necessity in the forseeable future if this current climate drags on for months.

With that said however I decided to google the address that is listed for them on Forex Peace Army and it has be a bit concerned. Any reason for alarm?

8 Copthall, Roseau Valley 00152, Dominica

It’s the same exact addrss Trader’s Way uses. I was with them since 2015 and never had an issue, but it is clearly NOT a physical address.

Trader’s Way & FXChoice… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :rage:

This is how it started with Tallinex.

Seems like every time bitcoin rallies over 10K we get more panic out of the US Gov & Fed. The Bitmex criminal chargers have more than likely scared the crap out of the offshore brokers. Unfortunately, every-time we all file taxes we are basically ratting out our offshore brokers.

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Just received an email from this Cashaa company, apparently they have actual crypto banking like Kraken is setting up:

Dear Community,

Cashaa is pleased to announce the launch of its crypto-friendly neo banking platform for the UK, Europe, and the USA after receiving all requisite permissions. It has built its own internet banking platform to service businesses worldwide.

Cashaa now operational in UK, Europe, and the US

In the UK and Europe Cashaa has collaborated with CFS ZIPP & PaySafe and in the USA through a Colorado chartered Trust which allows it to access the Federal Banking System.

In the UK and Europe, it will offer products like, Euro IBAN, UK Current account, Card Processing, and Issuance. While in the US, it will product offering will consist of USD Accounts and FX Services

The compliance work to migrate the existing business has already commenced.

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Nothing new for me. I really want to know their status because I would love to deposit some money with them right now, but I’m holding off because I have no clue what’s happening

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unfortunately its been confirmed, FXChoice recently added the US to their restricted countries list on the website:


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and if they follow the playbook of every other broker, they will soon close down US accounts


I know 2 US traders who currently have 7 figure accounts with FXChoice, and 1 who has an 8 figure account with them, so guess even they need to go someplace else

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I am wondering what forced them to not accept USA since broker country they are located in is 100% walled off from USA so by saying no to USA their is nothing to gain. Will not change the country status with USA. Has to be some kind of upside to drop 1/4 or 1/5 of their clients. I am wondering what it is. Untouchable by USA only have UK to fear and UK has no issue with USA clients.

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this being said, until current clients get an email saying to leave, they’re still open to current account holders, like Crypto Rocket is, I guess

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