Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I am getting my withdrawals from TurnkeyForex within 4 to 12 hours…I’m happy with that time span for withdrawals


Merry Christmas, guys.
Thanks for your participation in this thread.
I wish each of you a Joyous Christmas, a Happy Holiday, and a Wonderful New Year.


Merry Christmas to All


And to All a Good Trade


Couple questions for anyone trading with Prosperity FX:

  1. Are there any major performance differences between the .pro and .var accounts? Just the normal lower commission/higher spread vs higher commission/lower spread stuff?

  2. How are the withdrawal times compared to other brokers?

I’ve been doing some demo trades, and they might be a better option than Eagle FX. Tough not to vote for Eagle and their withdrawal times, but Prosperity has better spreads, especially on BTCUSD


the withdrawal time is about the same as eaglefx, usually within 45mins, and you already stated the difference in accounts


Anyone else using or seen CedarFX?

Apparently I haven’t bought Bitcoin through Coinbase Pro in a while, and I forgot all about that B.S. 7 day wait period to send it off to my broker.

Are there dependable alternatives to this right now? I know we’ve listed other exchanges, but I haven’t committed to any of them yet

Cash app has no holding period. Users can send withdraw bitcoin immediately.
Fees a little higher than Coinbase pro but not by much. They only deal with bitcoin.

I have been using it ever since TraderO mentioned it here.
No problems so far


Right after I typed my question, I remembered I had Cash App on my phone, and was watching a YouTube video on them as you answered.

Was a pretty easy experience, took a little over an hour from in-app purchase to sitting in my offshore broker. Might be even faster with a faster broker. Fees were slightly higher then Coinbase Pro, but I made a little back on a BTC spike, and chalk up the rest of the fees for not having a wait 7 days to use my money.

Didn’t transfer a lot, so I’m pretty sure the fees would be more noticeable with a higher transfer amount.

Pretty satisfying experience as a whole


CashApp #1 :+1:

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I’ve heard of Abra, but haven’t tried them

I’ve read into Crypto dot com, and at first it seemed cool, but they have lots of limits on things, and I got turned off for some reason

I tried to create an account today with nash dot io because I read something good, got all the way through to the purchase screen to read they didn’t allow the purchase in my area? Who knows. Deleted the app right after that LOL

After experiencing that hour load time with Cash App, I’m thinking that anything that has a holding period is personally off my list. Kind of like a multiple days wait for a broker withdrawal. Just doesn’t cut it anymore.


In the coming weeks, I’m going to open an account with Bitpay. This will be my second go at getting a crypto account to transfer money back and forth. :+1:

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someone somewhere mentioned Bitpay charges a fee if your card goes unused? No clue if that’s true, but it’s the fine print that eats up your money.

#1 CasApp
#2 Bitpay :+1:(better than coinbase)

There is also Voyager app who touts “no fees” crypto purchases. I did a test deposit and bought some BTC.

It’s not insta transfer as it’s ACH only. Once that clears then one can initiate transfers. Will provide an update on timing.

It’s kind of like Robinhood for crypto I guess. It does have some alt pairs that is unavailable on other US regulated exchanges. That caught my interest. It is US based and is KYC. I remember signing up a while ago and then forgot about until recently.

So does anyone use FXChoice? Are you concerned about your account now that they don’t service the US anymore? I’ve seen more positive reviews for them than any other offshore broker but it is unsettling and I don’t want anything to happen to my money.

Happy New Year, guys!

And thanks for making this thread the premiere internet source for offshore forex broker information
for ten straight years.

Let’s make 2021 even better. Let’s resolve to grow our List to fifteen rock-solid brokers this year.

I hope you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year.



I still use FXChoice. They have yet to “officially” announce anything regarding US clients. I’m not a huge fan of the service, because I think they aren’t that great for daytrading, which I favor these day, but if you are a long term trader there’s nothing wrong in there. And they have more 6 and 7 figure accounts then any other broker on our lists. And I am 100% confident IF they do close the doors to US clients, they will allow us to withdraw any and all funds we have with them.

EDIT: I still use them occasionally, but not all the time because of their server stuff. But they are still in my copy trader because why not.

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does Cash App still hold your funds for 2 days when you have incoming bitcoin deposits then want to transfer cash out to your bank?