Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Hubris has obviously blinded you. You see that subject topic at the top? Take special note of “CFTC” which has nothing to do with you or the UK. Its a situation that is unique to US residents.

You’re input has zero value here. Other then sticking your nose in matters that don’t pertain to you. Never has.

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I never said that regulation did not provide any sort of protection. Nor did I say that it can never work in our favor. You would not suggest more rules and impose fees for noncompliance of said rules if you did not first ensure that whatever you were peddling could be justified and deemed legitimate. After all, you would need to convince someone. You seem to be missing the point. Maybe, intentionally?

Also, why are you here if you disagree so deeply with general consensus? Are you even based in the US?

EDIT: If you want to quote me, then please take note of what I am saying and responding to, in lieu of applying it to whatever you like.


He is not. His posts pertain to UK specific situations. No idea why he felt the need to land here.

Because there always have been and always will be these special goobers among the populace that completely defer to and defend authority. And anything the authority decides is justified in their minds.
They are inherently afraid of risk and can’t sleep at night without the illusion of a safety net.

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Wall Street Elites DESTROYED, Beaten By Redditors At Their Own RIGGED Game


Is anyone who trades Bitcoin familiar with which of these brokers might have the tightest BTCUSD spread, as well as high leverage around 1:100?

I’m interested in day trading BTC but I know the Govt. has prevented the large BTC Futures exchanges with high leverage like Deribit and ByBit from accepting US clients. So I’ve figured going offshore with an FX broker is my next best option.

Although I cannot personally vouch for this company, prosperity4x has some of the tightest spreads that I have seen from the broker side.

Their commissions are high, but with the current volatility, you can scalp crypto easily enough, if you wanted to.

I would personally stick to trading ETHUSD over BTCUSD, though, since it has the tightest spreads. I would not bother trading any of the other crypto pairs. Not investment advice, just my opinion.


i use them and i can vouch for them they are very good and pays most of my withdrawals within 40mins :+1:


No brokers that I’m aware of offer 100:1 on crypto. You need Bitmex or Binance + VPS/VPN for that kind of leverage.

Out of the broker’s we have access to, Trader’s Way has the best spreads for BTC @ 6-10 @ 20:1 leverage compared to 30-35 spreads @ prosperity4x.

Hankotrade has some pretty tight BTC spreads. Might want to check them out. I’ve never traded with them live, so can’t personally vouch for them

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only 5x leverage @ hanko

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never mind… I forgot Trader’s way is no longer an option for new accounts.


and many more


I would encourage anyone that is interested in trading cryptocurrency via a broker to take a closer look at prosperity4x. Leverage for crypto is 100:1. Here is a snapshot of BTCUSD and ETHUSD on the 1-minute chart, respectively:

As previously mentioned, ETHUSD has the best spreads and the other pairs are not worth trading in my opinion.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

After MF Global and PFGBest, I didn’t walk, I RAN offshore.

The CFTC and NFA didn’t do anything to protect my money, they made it difficult to make money. Looks like the SEC is doing the same to the guys trading on Robinhood today? Can’t close positions or add to them? What?!! Why? Because your hedge fund pals are getting slaughtered? We’ll probably never know the truth.

Pendejo… (google is your friend)


Thanks… I use to have Hugosway & eaglefx but the spreads were always abysmal on BTC compared to the exchanges, so I never bothered.


prosperity4x is very good you should give them a try


these guys are my weekend crypto watch platform. Eagle FX has weekend trading too but the spreads are higher

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since we’ve recently lost 2 Group 1 brokers, and we’ve had 3 or 4 positive Prosperity4X reviews in here now, maybe it’s time to officially vet them and possibly add them the List?


An update on FairForexFX

After a week of trading, and taking about 10 trades, I was up about 12% on my account. I have nothing bad to say about their trading conditions. Orders are quickly filled and spreads are phenomenal, especially on futures on stock CFDs. These are the best spreads I’ve seen for trading agricultural futures outside of the futures market itself. No commissions is awesome, too.

I went to withdraw my profits, and their withdraw page is a bit janky. I chose to withdraw via paypal. I received an email a few minutes later that their paypal system is down, so I needed to withdraw with BTC, Skrill, or Cash App. I chose BTC and received my withdrawal in about 48 hours.

Overall, I’d say their trading conditions and products available as top notch for US clients, but their website, fake reviews, and absurd ways of making deposits and withdrawals makes me turn my head.

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