Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I’m unable to re-do the verification, while it’s still saying “verification in process”. During the process, I made sure the pics were clear and the info I put in was correct.

I’ve been going through a lot of reddits and I’ve been seeing similar complaints. Someone’s verification took 2 weeks!

That’s the only good part that it’s up this week, but Bitcoin still fluctuates and I don’t want to be caught on a potential bad side since all I just wanted was to get the money to my forex account.


Hmm I’ll have to checkout the forum then. Thanks.

I use CashApp and it works great. Fees and such, but no waiting/holding period when you buy Bitcoin is great. Haven’t received from a broker yet, only transferred to.

EDIT: remember that all that Robinhood stuff happened recently, so it’s possible they have changed or added to their verification measures?


Its possible that is the case. I had the app since inception and would use it now and then. Was very happy to see it adopt Bitcoin. Its the only one I use and they raised my limits as a result.

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Anyway, for all those who dare to use CashApp for Bitcoin, just buy and sell it, then transfer your money to your bank. DON’T wait for verification. This is what I did. I didn’t know that you could do this, thought you had to wait for verification but they won’t let you know, of course :slight_smile:

CA is not receiving anymore of my business. Caused me a lot of loss.




My Cash app;
Purchase limit: 100K a week
Sell limit : Unlimited
Deposit limit : 10K a week
Withdraw limit : 2K a day / 5K a week


those are my numbers too. No idea if I ever verified myself with them - I guess I have? Will never come close to those limits either, but nice to have them

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That is strange. I closed by account with them last month. I was not having any major issues though. Anybody else having problems with FXChoice? It is so important to share our feedback here. That is what makes this thread so powerful.

Since ProsperityFX is a broker that won’t allow live accounts to be created until a deposit is made, can anyone who has a live account with them let me know if there are differences in trading conditions, spreads, etc between demo and live accounts? Thanks

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I’m keeping my eyes on Hankotrade next week. At the start of the NY session the DOW had around a 50-60 spread. At 9:30 when the stock market opened, they lowered it 20-30 where it is now, so they play around with that a lot. Not a big fan of it, but I need to know the times they do it

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i’m using 80% for my main broker, and yes everything is the same


Then there would seem to be a large disparity between live and demo here. I do not like that at all. It’s deceitful in my opinion. I can understand not being 100% exact, all of the time, but to be this far off on a regular basis seems either intentional or pure negligence on their part.


I’ve mentioned this many times, because it caused me grief many years ago. It is not unusual for brokers to simulate feeds on demo accounts. Personally, I use demo for functional testing only. This does not mean new traders should skip demo trading. It is still important. Just don’t expect live trading to match demo.


Quite a few traders here use offshore brokers such as Turnkey, CoinExx, Prosperity, N1CM, Fair Forex. What is your return-of-funds risk calculation? What happed to the money of those who had accounts with FXBrew and other borkers who went out of biz recently, for example?

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I would be curious to hear what brokers have to say about the disparities that we see between live and demo accounts, assuming that we could even get a reasonable response that was not overly vague and dismissive.

To me, a simulation is a controlled environment and I personally do not see why a live data feed cannot be mirrored in a virtual environment where trades can be made without impacting anything. It really makes no sense to me. Maybe someone with more technical knowledge can chime in.


I have zero problems with FXCHOICE they are my main broker but I only trade XAUUSD with them currently.

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the way I learned it was that a Demo feed is the same as a Live feed, it’s just delayed by a couple minutes so it’s not “usable” in any way to influence live trading. Which is why it’s always a issue for me when I see a broker change spreads or conditions between live and demo. I don’t see any point to it other than purposely doing it for some reason.

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do you day trade with FXChoice? just curious. I’m sure they are still good for swing traders, it’s just when I attempt to day trade with them I get all kinds of issues like server connection issues and MT4 freezes. They are still on my list down the road if I ever change to D1 trading full time, just not very functional to me right now

Interesting read. Thanks for sharing. Obviously spread is not everything but is very useful what you listed there.