Going offshore to escape the CFTC

So far I have been very impressed with Hanko. Appears to beat everyone I have accounts with.


DId a few pairs and you look right. Not sure why I thought different lol. ANyway early days for me with them so we will see.

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Not used Hanko.

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opened an account with CedarFX just now. The old hippie in me digs the environmentalism from my trading. Iā€™ll open a demo and live account later and see how they count their index points

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Skrill seems to have US client tag. I tried and didnā€™t work.

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Hankotrade has the best BTCUSD spreads of any offshore broker Iā€™ve used. Other instruments are pretty much around the same. Never traded with them live so canā€™t attest on payment times


Generally with in 8 hoursā€¦less than 24 hoursā€¦ for Hankotrade to pull money out.


You should definitely check with your broker for this issue. If it is because of the change in the price in cryptos, then you cannot do much about it other than using stable coins like Gemini next time onwards (only if your broker offers these cryptos for deposits and withdrawals).

ok thanks. WIll look into them.

Here are a couple quick snapshot spreads comparisons between 6 of these offshore brokers Iā€™m messing around with (FXChoice no longer accepts new US clients but I can still use them)

DOW Index

FXChoice - 2
CedarFX - 29
Hankotrade - 47 (17-27 after news spike)
EagleFX - 29
ProsperityFX - 20
Turnkey - under 1 (min. vol. 1.00)


FXChoice - 601
CedarFX - 861
Hankotrade - 60
EagleFX - 891
ProsperityFX - 291
Turnkey - 100

My favorite instrument is the DOW index, and Turnkey has the best spread, but that minimum volume stinks. Hankotrade is by far the worst. FXChoice equals Turnkey, and has zero commissions on indexes, which is the only reason Iā€™m still with them (they have issues)

But with BTC, Hankotrade is by far the best (but offset by that DOW). Turnkey and ProsperityFX are both really good for the way I daytrade.

CedarFX and EagleFX are pretty much the same, but no commissions are great with CedarFX (have that optional $1/lot to plant trees, etc)

And have to factor in withdraw times for each broker when comparing too

EDIT: to be fair to Hankotrade, that DOW spread must have been a spike with the morning news, because now itā€™s down a respectable 17-27


HankoTrade is looking good for indices. Have not checked their live accounts yet, but their demo account is showing super tight spreads for US30 on a very consistent basis, which is one of my preferred symbols. Here is a snapshot of the 1-minute chart, comparing ProsperityFX and HankoTrade, respectively:

Both of these charts are zoomed-in as much as possible. As you can see, HankoTrade is so minimal, that you cannot even see the ask line. That being said, the contract specification between these two are different, and you will likely be paying more in commission fees with HankoTrade. I would want to check their live accounts to confirm that trading conditions are similar before making any consideration, but I am always happy to see indices with tight spreads.

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Hankotrade has different trading conditions between Demo and Live accounts (big red flag for me), first thing I noticed with them. I chatted with support and they said the Live account is the ā€œtrueā€ info for them and the Demo feed is being changed to equal Live at some point

EDIT: also, Hankotrade has a 50.0 lot MAX volume for trading indices, ProsperityFX is listing 1000 lot MAX volume, at least on their Demo account


Yes. I would expect so. I did inquire with support and they did confirm that the demo accounts are similar, but not exactly identical, to the live accounts. I asked about the spreads, specifically, and was told that they should be pretty close. It is an annoying thing, but the reason why I would always check the live accounts before making any considerations.


Apologies as you are indeed correct! Least the 0% commission helps I guess!


I found 4 more potential brokers that according to https://www.theforexlist.com allows US clients. Apologies if these have been posted or removed previously.



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Does anyone here use Cashapp to buy and move bitcoin to FX brokers? I bought Bitcoin last week Wednesday, but they have yet to verify my info. How long does it take? Itā€™s a bit worrying.

EDIT: For others after me, seriously, donā€™t use Cashapp for this stuff. I read it was fast on this topic but thatā€™s not true.

Many here do and have for a long time now. Been using it since inception and never had a problemā€¦

EDIT: If you search for cash app and cashapp here on the forum youā€™ll see it discussed in the past.


I use Cashapp to buy/sell and move bitcoin to FX brokers LAST 2 YEARS with out any problems.


It canā€™t remember how they process the personal verification, but the docs or pics must be clear. It could be cash app or some other services that I had to resend pics a few times in the past. After that a smooth sailing

If it were last week Wednesday, it took too long for the info verification. I would try to redo the process with as clear pics or valid info as you can, because they wonā€™t tell us that which they should.
Once the docs are clear, it should be approved fast( 24hrs maybe) but not this long

On a blessing side since you bought it Wednesday, at the current price it should be in green up 9000 points


Personally, I cannot use any other wallet other than Cashapp for my deposits and withdrawals. But yes, I have heard from many traders that Cashapp is either taking days to verify a new account or just declining it without giving any reason.