Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I quite like renko too. Takes away the noise

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Yes all brokers make money off spread.


I now feel less confident in building up my FXCHOICE account for fear that my account down the road could just be disabled and only initial deposit given back to me. My trading setup is not at all arbitrage or latency arbitrage but they could easily lie and say I wasā€¦nothing at all I could do about it like you said. I do believe ā€¦at least I hope that this is not common for them to do this to traders or we would have heard many stories over the last ten years of accounts getting disabled which we havenā€™t. The thing that throws me off is the information on site that says they allow Arbitrage and all EAā€™s the trader decides to use. If latency arbitrage is the only kind they donā€™t allow they should mention it for sure. There are many EAā€™s out there that are labelled latency arbitrage and traders could just end up wasting many months or years building up account only to gain nothing from it.


Turnkeyfx Spreads/ Fast Withdrawal so far so good. :+1:


Couldnā€™t agree more, the way they have upped their game fascinates me.


Turnkey would probably be my #1 right now if they didnā€™t have that pesky 1 standard lot minimum on Indices. Donā€™t enjoy tweaking an algorithm live using 1 standard lot. LOL


FXChoice has been around a long time and they have 7 and 8 figure account traders. I really donā€™t think they are in the business of lying about anything. Iā€™d say the dude from FPA is probably the one doing the bad things.


Even @ the top of the FX food chain using single bank platforms or multi bank platforms like EBS/reuters matching where youā€™re trading direct with banks on the credit line of your prime broker, there are still spreads and they are usually worse than most ecn retail brokers.

Most institutional single/multi bank platforms also have last look where they have the option to requote or not fill if they canā€™t make money on the originally quoted price.

As shown recently in the gamestop situation, any trading strategy that is continuously adversarial to market making brokers or STP brokers liquidity providers (behind the scenes market makers) will eventually be shut down.


An update on the brokers listed here.

The best spreads and commissions seem to be with Turnkey Forex, Hankotrade, Fair Forex, and CoinExx. Turnkey is acting somewhat funny, as SL seems to be triggered earlier than the price reaches it. When I look at the trade record later, it shows that the price reached SL, but visually it doesnā€™t look that way.

Hankotrade is funky because their spreads are the lowest on a demo account, but when you open a real account (you donā€™t need to fund it), you will see that the spreads feed is identical to Turnkey, so you are not getting better spreads and getting higher commissions. But if the SL problem with Turnkey turns out to be significant, Iā€™d rather pay Hankoā€™s higher commissions and have the SL and TP act normal. Lastly, Fair Forex has really high commissions on crypto, but for FX seems to be the best so far.

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It should go without saying that once the rules are established, any result obtained without breaking the rules MUST be accepted regardless of the outcome (e.g., a trader wins big). If the brokerā€™s system allows for ā€œlatency arbitrageā€ and thereā€™s nothing in their contract with you that warns you and prohibits it in advance, they donā€™t have the right to dishonor your trades (much less take your funds) by simply claiming that youā€™ve done some ā€œlatency arbitrageā€ or whatever else they can make up on the spot.

Maybe they could ultimately issue a warning and prohibit such things in the future, but not retroactively. So I call BS on all these ā€œlatencyā€ claims by the broker. If their system allows it, itā€™s on them and they must eat it up. If they wonā€™t, we need to make a big stink about it and make sure traders leave them in droves.

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False accusations. :+1:

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I do not have an account with Hanko Trade, so cannot comment on that. But i do not agree with your comments on Turnkey. I have been trading with them for some time now (and i am full time trader) and I have not faced this issue with them so far. On the contrary, I am finding it difficult to find my third broker to diversify my funds since Turnkey Forex & Coinexx have been so good.

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I have been trading with Turnkeyfx for a while too, and I have not faced SL issue with them either. :+1:

Not sure how long you been trading but that there is patently false. The broker has no obligation to pay out anything to you. Especially if you took advantage of an exploit. Nearly every FX shop has had latency arbitrage issues at one point. Most get caught and trades invalidated. Some traders will have have their accounts closed and booted as a result.

Its been like that since inception of retail FX.


itā€™s not always the broker, sometimes itā€™s their liquidity provider who flags trades, if the LP tells broker they not gonna honor that trade, there is nothing the broker can do


No issues with me as well. i think, everyone here would agree, turnkey is working much better than before no?

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Broker has to make money some how!


Very true. They are not in the business for nothing. People forget that.


Crucial word there is ā€œbusinessā€. They arenā€™t a charity. But this also means they try to be competitive so allows for good choice as prospective clients

Same with any sector too. SHops are there to make money, window cleaners are etc.
People want everything for so cheap these days and donā€™t realise that those people are trying to make a living too.

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