Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Agreed. I often wonder about everyone’s take on drop in volatility, effects of quantum algorithms, etc. But, don’t want to go too far off topic. Also don’t want to start a thread for each idea. Need a Discord channel like, “Clint’s Bar and Grill” or something


I sent Clint a message yesterday, asking what his thoughts were about it. He has yet to respond. I suppose that some people may not be interested, which is okay.

I personally had a message erroneously deleted here. And with the recent censorship and past issues of thread security, having a discord could allow for more control.

I am not advocating that we abandon this thread, as it serves a valuable purpose and is a good source for maintaining a trusted broker list.

However, similar to what you have eluded to, I think that there would be a lot of benefit to being able to discuss a wider range of topics with like-minded people, without the fear of annoying others by going off-topic or having to create separate threads where responses may be very limited or not overly helpful etc…


To _METHOS and others:

I was going to reply to your PM with a private message of my own. But, since you’ve “outed” me, here in this thread, I will reply to you here.

When “off-topic” discussions arise here in this thread, you say that you want a venue for continuing those discussions – but, you want to avoid opening new threads here in the Babypips Forum. However, you are willing to go to the considerable effort of setting up and moderating what would amount to an entirely new, separate, private, members-only forum. That’s what a Discord Channel is – it’s essentially a private forum.

If you have the time and inclination to set up and moderate a Discord Channel, I think you should do it.

I might join in the discussions on your Channel, from time to time. But, I don’t have the time, or the inclination, to set up this Channel you are asking for. And I definitely don’t have the time, or inclination, to serve as moderator of such a group

Don’t discount the time and effort required to moderate a Discord Channel. Even the folks who offer the Discord Channel app go to great lengths to describe the work involved in moderation. They even have tutorials on how to deal with all the issues that a moderator must deal with.

We have excellent moderators here on the Babypips Forum. I say that, despite the fact that we all have knocked heads with the mods on occasion. We’ve all been called out, from time to time, for posting something the mods judge to be “crossing the line”. And typically, when that happens, we get mildly pissed — How dare they limit my free speech? But, those little kerfuffles are generally few and far between.

And, by and large, both law-and-order and freedom of speech survive and thrive on this Forum.

As for off-topic discussions here in this thread, I’m not offended by discussions that veer away from our core purpose – which is (1) to find and vet new offshore brokers who will do business with us, and (2) to continuously monitor the performance of the offshore brokers we have already found. There are lots of tangential topics, related to (1) and (2) above, which are entirely appropriate topics of discussion in this thread. The complexities of moving money to and from our offshore brokers is just one such topic.

Apparently, there are folks here who feel strongly that a separate, members-only forum – a Discord Channel – is needed, so that like-minded people (as _METHOS describes them) can talk among themselves, Folks who feel that way absolutely should go for it. Set up a Discord Channel. Appoint a moderator. Invite the people who meet your membership criteria. I wish you success in your efforts, and I mean that sincerely.

On this issue, I’d like to hear the opinions of other thread participants.



To be fair, I should have clarified my message, as it was admittedly pretty vague. I am sorry for that. I was not asking or expecting you to set up and/or moderate a discord group. I was simply asking your thoughts about it, more as a courtesy. I apologize if my ‘outing’ you by mentioning my PM came across in a negative way. That was not my intention.

I will not comment on the other stuff. :sweat_smile:

SmallPaul, you did not understand what I said. I was not referring to the need to call a broker before a withdrawal, I was referring to the need to call broker before an extremely large buy or sell trade, which is a big difference. Some brokers definitely do require a call to approve a large trade in advance. FxChoice, which seems more willing to handle very large accounts, might be an exception. If the trade is large enough, though, I suspect that they, too, would require notification in advance of a large trade. If I had a huge account with a broker that required a call in advance of a large trade and I was making large, frequent trades, I would also withdraw profits frequently to keep my account balance below a certain threshold to avoid having to get approval before large trades.

ok i get it, i will never get to that level where i need to call in for larger trades because i keep my accounts at 100k each and withdraw any profits over that every week.

most brokers have large enough lot size on their platforms to handle large trades with no need to call in

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The infrastructure bill could threaten the privacy of crypto. — Quartz (qz.com)

The US Senate passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill on Tuesday with a glaring problem for the cryptocurrency industry. The bill includes vague new tax reporting requirements that digital rights activists say threaten individual privacy and crypto advocates say could hamstring industry innovation in the US.

The bill’s authors focused on closing the crypto “tax gap” to pay for some of the massive spending plan, but critics say it falls short of appropriately regulating the budding industry. The bill requires any crypto “broker,” defined as anyone “responsible for and regularly providing any service effectuating transfers of digital assets on behalf of another person,” to report users’ names and addresses. That leaves all sorts of players in the crypto space including miners and software developers on the hook—even though many of them do not currently gather or access personal information about users, many of whom are anonymous.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a digital rights group, called the bill a disaster for digital privacy. “The mandate to collect names, addresses, and transactions of customers means almost every company even tangentially related to cryptocurrency may suddenly be forced to surveil their users,” wrote Rainey Reitman, EFF’s chief program officer.

… It sounds like this will finally force domestic exchanges to report directly to IRS on their entire user base’s activity.


Exactly right. And not just exchanges.

This may also open the door for more excessive reach beyond jurisdictional borders that could not only legally-expose anyone in the chain of transfer, but could do so without the need for any warrant when private data requests are made. This is not only a historical failure as it relates to privacy rights, but a complete overreach of power that could potentially place unnecessary and unwarranted liability and responsibility on innocent players. Not to mention, potentially place an undue burden on small operators.

This will further-isolate the US and significantly slow growth and innovation as it relates to cryptocurrency.

I did read that AMC theaters were going to start accepting bitcoin. Does that mean that the pimple-faced kid behind the counter will need my name and address in order to accept my bitcoin for my over-priced popcorn purchase; since he would essentially be effectuating a transfer of BTC on behalf of me/AMC?

Clearly, this hastily-written inclusion was crammed in with a bunch of overshadowing proposals, either as a bipartisan concession, or as a way to fly under the radar (or both). If they cannot stop it, then you can bet that they will do everything that they can to control it and tax it.

Just another day in paradise and another nail in the crypto coffin.


Democrats pass FATCA global banking compliance reporting to IRS.

Democrat Chicago politician Obama protected his home state interests and donors in the CME & CBOT by passing dod frank banning non US broker/exchange competition.

Republican Trump left Dod frank in place and never mentioned it for 4 years

Republican Trump and his treasury secretary were openly hostile to crypto and Mnuchin tried to slip in some draconian crypto rules in the last week of the administration.

Democrats + Republicans slip in hostile crypto tax reporting measures in completely non related bill.

Republican Senator Shelby grandstands to get an amendment to fix some of this… then he proceeds to kill his own amendment by trying to sneak in billions in additional pork spending to the defense department.

When it comes to foreign policy and protecting US banks, exchanges, corporations & donors… it’s a bipartisan disaster in Washington!


One thing about heavily regulated countries is that they hate the word privacy, the word privacy have the same meaning as terrorist and tax dodgers to them. in their eyes you have to be doing something wrong to want privacy


Yesterday, Cryptorocket’s spread on AUDUSD and AUDCAD were over 25pips around 16:00. Nothing of note on the economic calendar to explain it. I checked other brokers, both US and offshore, and saw similar, some even worse. Granted this is near daily close where we often see some big spreads. But, over 20 pips if too high even for me, a non-scalper. There’s also the Doldrums, which I’d say are off to an early start this year. Question: are any of our brokers keeping spreads manageable lately?

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not really, how long do these huge spreads last? like you stated it was around closing / a little after closing time

your not gonna find manageable spreads that are valid around that time


I expect spreads to sometimes get to 10 pips around daily close. 30 pips is too much. I can almost see it on AUDCAD since it is a cross. But, on AUDUSD? I hope that’s not the new normal.

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I’ve traded with an offshore broker before. I get that it’s not always advised, but I never had any problems. Their support team was even more helpful and friendly than the experience I had with a more well known, regulated broker.


Spread widen at 17:00 ET, not 16:00.


Which broker? You make it sound like you aren’t with them anymore?

We didn’t talk about new brokers, so I figured I should do some research and see what I could find.


a bit of encouragement for you wanna be FTMO traders

This FTMO Trader made $90,000 in one month of Forex trading | FTMO


If you notice in the video he made that off one instrument alone. US30 aka DOW.

That instrument alone rains money ever single day.


i have been watching this guy make a killing trading us30

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