Going offshore to escape the CFTC

That’s why I withdraw my profits every couple days. .I do not like to hold large amount of money on brokers account. :+1:


That’s cool, I don’t always do that, but I have made my deposit money back 10 fold with the brokers I use, so I understand a trader building up the account before withdrawing funds.


EagleFX is owned by EagleFX Ltd., which we are told is based in the Commonwealth of Dominica. And we are given an address – 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley 00152, but not a phone number. So we decided to check the address and we came across several rather intriguing facts about it.

First, by checking Google Maps it turned out that this is the address of a small backwater, country hotel – the Roseau Valley Hotel, which supposedly shelters several other offshore companies, among which Options Tech Limited, which trades under a number of names, including Unitedmarkets4you, United & Equal, UBS Investment, UBS InvestmentOptions Tech Limited, Cryptex Markets and Block Chain Exchange Pro, all of which blacklisted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK as potential scam brokers.

Also the address – 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley 00152, the Commonwealth of Dominica, appeared in the notorious archive of the Panama Papers, published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), in connection to other criminal activities.

So basically EagleFX has a pretty shady background.

Also we should mention the fact that EagleFX is not e regulated. The authorities in Dominica does not regulated forex and CFD brokers, but that does not excuse EagleFX for not applying for a license by a well known regulator such as the FCA in the UK, or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) especially if they want to target customers in Europe.


would you really trust a broker that is registered to some small motel?:

would you really trust a broker that is registered to some small motel?

Yes I fully trust EagleFX and have used them for a while now they have been excellent. I would much rather use them then any of the garbage regulated brokers based in the U.S…all of them are an absolute waist of time in my opinion…


Tradersway uses the EXACT same address. I have traded and made VERY regular withdrawals from them since 2014. Ditto on the garbage regulated brokers in the US. I think it is mostly folks from outside the US that question us on this, as they are not stuck with the options we have…PLUS, US regulation is of no benefit to the trader as forex funds are not protected in any way, shape, or form…broker goes belly up, all of your money is gone, only difference is, due to the margin requirements, YOU WILL LOSE 20 TIMES MORE WITH A REGULATED BROKER than Tradersway, EagleFX,Coinexx, etc, etc. I have explained over and over and over, I mitigate my risk, I am fully aware of what I am doing as I have calculated it with precision. Approximately 12% of my trading capital is at risk with offshore brokers, the other 88% is FDIC insured at Coinbase and banks. I do not need it sitting unprotected with a US regulated broker

P.S. That looks like a pretty nice hotel, I wouldn’t mind staying there.


Keep in mind that idiot just discovered trading and spends most of his time rambling/trolling incoherently wherever he finds an audience. His time here will be coming to end.


i don’t know what’s going on with that guy but he’s very weird


yeah, the hotel has a nice view… the rooms dont look that bad… they look like basic rooms in a mexican border town motel…

but would you send $50k to a mystery person that is operating a BUCKET SHOP out of that motel?


Perhaps a reminder is needed that this thread is exactly about offshore brokers lol (perhaps based on the title of this discussion?) which you know… will likely use the usual offshore addresses. :sweat_smile: Clint also mentioned in the first post that EagleFX is unregulated.


he’s continuing to tell us about the risks of using offshore unregulated brokers, and we told him that we were aware of those risks and thanked him for the friendly reminder, Then he tells us the addresses of these unregulated brokers that have been used by other brokers and scam companies. We told him that we were aware legitimate brokers and scam companies have both used these types of addresses, and we thank him once again for the friendly reminder.

at this point i put it in the hands of the moderators on how they handle the situation moving forward. it’s a grey area and i am done with it :v:

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Some good points are being made even in the midst of the foolishness. I’ve mentioned before that I wouldn’t be surprised if some brokerages were little more than a computer science student in their parents’ basement using an API to forward trades to one of the brokers with great conditions that US traders can’t use directly and adding a small fee.
If so, good for them as long as they continue to pay withdrawals.

Trading money should always be money you can afford to lose. Be safe. Don’t deposit more than you can lose in ANY brokerage.

I don’t care if the brokerage is running out of the back of an El Camino using a satellite dish. 500:1 and a good track record is still a better deal than a similarly non insured broker requiring 50:1. There’s less money on the table.

Also, there is worse heat than Interpol for people that run with millions of dollars. Screwing people over can be profitable, but it’s less hazardous to run a legitimate business. Some people will choose to run a business for the long term. There is profit to be made in treating customers well. No brokerages are FDIC insured, although some have been in business for a long time. I will take my chances with a broker that’s paid as agreed for decades that requires 10x less capital at risk for the same trade and with better conditions. And it is absolutely true that if they fold for any reason, I won’t get my money back.

Bottom line is don’t risk more than you can lose. The regulars here know this well. It bears repeating for anyone else reading this thread. Cheers all


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i’m a 100% all in with that logic, cheers to you :v:

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him being a newibe to this particular thread i had no problem with what he posted, We told him we were aware of everything he posted, and yet he keeps posting the same stuff, and the scroll bar was invented to give readers the opportunity to see prior comments, so he does not get to keep being a newbie by posting the same thing again and again.


No, I would never send 50K. Once again that’s my ENTIRE POINT. With 2500 in margin I have the same buying power as 50K with a regulated scam US broker. Do you get it yet? Funds are NOT PROTECTED in either case. What ius the beter scenario…lose 2500 or 50K???

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No doubt he was trolling. Good on the mods for dealing with it. My main point is to warn people never to deposit too much anywhere. The CFTC can’t protect your funds. Any broker anywhere has the potential to screw you. Anything you deposit is at risk. Too many people have lost a lot of money recently, often with crypto craze. My Uber driver the other day was telling me how he bet his family’s 401k on BTC and lost nearly all of it when the market took a downturn and he sold low. Trading is not for everyone. The human brain isn’t geared for it. Good traders don’t bet the farm. 95% of my retirement stays in my 401k. It’s fine to use 5% on risky endeavors. Be careful out there friends!


Agreed. There were many here who mentioned the same, spread the risk out across several brokers in case of a rug pull. Of all my years trading with offshore brokers, I’ve never had problems of not getting paid. I’m well aware of the risks involved. There’s been a few hiccups, but for the most part they have all been good to me.


And that’s the whole point. If you mitigate risk appropriately and never invest more than you are willing to throw into a fire, then none of it really matters that much. All of this talk about company location, regulation and scams etc. becomes a moot point. That is even more true when you have companies that have been faithfully paying out for years.

It is similar to investing in stock and spreading your risk across 100 different stocks, in lieu of betting on a single stock; if 2 or 3 of those stocks crash, you will still be totally fine. The same concept can be applied to all kinds of investments. Some people just do not get it. It always seems to be an all-or-nothing, black-or-white type of mindset with some people.

The same can be said about prop firms. If you spread out your capital across multiple prop firms, then you further insulate yourself. The fact that most prop firms allow you to trade totally risk-free, should be an absolute no-brainer for most people, yet even that seems to elude some people.

The people that do not understand these basic concepts are the same people that will never succeed or fail, because they will be too afraid to take on any risk. What else to do then, if not to criticize others for having the courage that they seem to lack?

It kind of reminds me of a popular C.S. Lewis quote:

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

I guess we are part of the minority…


Not sure he read the title…


Great post. Hit the nail right on the head.