Going offshore to escape the CFTC

i have been coding since 1983, my first programming language was atari basic on an atari 400.

i wrote basic code for about six months, and then i learned to write atari assembler, but it was too cryptic and not portable to other machines.

in 1991, i purchased my first C language IDE, the Microsoft QuickC for DOS, and i have been coding C ever since.

my preference is to write C on a linux box using GCC at the shell, but i can also use GCC on a windows box that is available as part of the codeblocks IDE.

i am experienced with interfacing with quite a few different API’s…

i have written extensive code in C for the dialogic telephony boards… in 1992, i plugged 16 telephone lines and eight telephones into a 286 pc clone and i fully automated an eight station outbound telemarketing room. My code processed the status of all sixteen telco lines and all eight telephones approx one thousand times per second.

I have written assembler code on a pic chip clone to interface with the USDIGITAL A2T tilt sensor.


i have written assembler code on a pic chip clone to interface with standard RC servos.

i am intimately familiar with the programming of servos.


I used to enjoy developing custom websites in C language using a linux box. I have written such code in C that is as large as 25,000 lines long.

I enjoy the arduino line of controllers.


I have been writing metatrader 4 code since metatrader was first released back around 2005.

I have been working on the development of a trading bot since may of 2004.

You can’t even keep your lies straight Paula. Your very first post…

Been trading for a few months - Community / Introduce Yourself - BabyPips.com Forex Trading Forum

So you’re either a liar or a fraud.

Which is it?

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he is on vacation right now.

  1. the basic indicators do not work, period.

  2. backtesting is a delusion that fools beginners.

Here’s some required reading for you…

Refco CEO Pleads Guilty To Massive Fraud | Courthouse News Service

MF Global Investors Settle Fraud Claims for $29M - CFO

PFGBest CEO Russell Wasendorf Sr. arrested, admits to 20-year fraud in suicide note: FBI | Financial Post

Broker Alert: FXCM fined and ordered to leave U.S. market by CFTC (forexfraud.com)

Why exactly should we trust US regulated brokers?


I was going to respond with something more meaningful until it became very clear who we were dealing with. Sigh. Just seems to sneak through the cracks like a cockroach.

Makes me wonder if he googled usernames to find this thread. I know that I and some others use different names on FF, but not everyone.


Interesting info someone mentioned to me on another forum that Crypto Rocket allows U.S clients again. I messaged live chat and they confirmed as well. I still use my old account with them from time to time and always been reliable for me.


good to hear :+1:

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What exactly you didn`t understand?

In response to the 3 points:

  1. The CFTC regulated brokers in the US offer zero protection of forex funds. Your account is not protected whatsoever. They actually prohibit protection of clients funds. They pull every platform trick in the book, as they are all market makers who benefit on a traders losses
  2. Due to the high leverage offered, I only need 5% of the margin offshore as I do with a regulated US broker to EXECUTE THE SAME EXACT TRADE. Therefore, if they do run with my money, I am still liquid with 95% of my capital in tact. US broker goes belly up, I lose it all.
  3. Due to points 1 and 2 , there is simply no reason TO NOT USE AN OFFSHORE BROKER as opposed to the regulated, scams offered in the US

scam brokers according to you, we post offshore brokers in this thread and then we do our DD.

The due diligence method I use has never failed me, and it is too deep for you to comprehend

tradecode When you read this review and the response from the broker, do you think this is a scam? if not what you think

-If that were true, then you would not feel the need to publicly-disclose your findings.


-Meanwhile, many of these offshore, ‘criminal’ brokers have been operating for years, providing payouts to traders. Maybe it’s a long-con?


The problem with most of the critics (trolls) that come here, on FF and other forums, is that they typically like to talk about prop-firm and broker ‘scams’, as if they are preaching gospel and on a mission to save everyone.

And yes, I say troll, because many of the naysayers that come here opposing what we are doing, know full-well that they are not actually trying to save anyone. What they are really doing is telling everyone else in the room that they are smarter than we are, and that we are all just too stupid to see it.

That being said, any reasonable, sane person that has any business-sense at all, is likely going to mitigate risk before even making a deposit, regardless of the legitimacy of the offerings.

As such, any end-of-the-world scenarios are really meaningless because most of us have back-up plans for back-up plans and are only trading with funds that we can afford to lose.

So it really does not (should not; I cannot speak for everyone) matter if a firm/broker exit-scams. And as long as these services continue to pay, then we will continue to use them. It is as simple as that. There are associated risks with every investment, and everyone must weigh them accordingly. This business is not for everyone.

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It should not matter whether or not you agree with it. That is part of my point; to each, their own.

With respect to brokers, you can truly only speculate what their intentions are at the end of the day. But you prepare for all possibilities. If you are concerned that your broker may disappear tomorrow, then you may have too much at risk. It is that simple.


-Which is why I say that this business is not for everyone. Everyone must do their own due diligence and make their own decisions, based on their own risk-tolerance levels. But coming here and telling everyone that you do not agree with them or agree with what they are doing, will likely fail to garner any positive results.

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also Withdrawals matter

let it go guys, it’s time to get this thread back on track, look like cryptorocket is back doing business with the over regulated people

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Hi Everyone,

The thread is being cleaned up. If you don’t see your post or it has been edited, it just means that it’s not contributing anything useful to the thread. Try to stay on topic and treat others as you want to be treated. Warnings/Infractions/Bans will be given to those who continually derail the thread.

Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.




No activity in 3 days… a stark contrast to the prior 3 days lol

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We will see how things go from here.

On another note, volatility on US100 has been really good these past, few days.


Coinexx not looking good here, check out the first review
