Going offshore to escape the CFTC

not until i get my money out and i get my final pay. if this company doesnt pay me, i have recordings of them on my phone and i will turn them over to the fbi.

i have 12k on deposit with them and this would be a substantial loss for me.

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Suppose you work for an offshore broker that has an office in a hotel room


we do not have an office in a “hotel room”. our office is in the united states.

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and this broker is not regulated?

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confirmed, not regulated.

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never work for a unregulated broker that has a office in the USA, I only trade with unregulated brokers that have offices in a hotel


do you think it is a joke that i might be losing 12k?

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never work for a unregulated broker that has a office in the USA, consequences


this company has offices outside of the united states. they only setup this office for us to handle admin issues. the regulatory issues havent so far touched the united states office.

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U.S. Regulators: Our concerns are that although the broker has a U.S. office and accepts U.S. citizens, the company is not regulated in other countries.

My friend once told me the 911 phone number.

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i have 12k at risk.

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I cannot believe the trollers who show up in this thread lately. Just drop it already folks. When you don’t get the attention at forex factory or forex peace army, you come here to spew your nonsense. Unregulated brokers do not need a USA presence to handle “admin” . If they are smart enough to operate offshore, they are smart enough to NOT have a presence in the USA . At least it’s only 12K, if it were a CFTC regulated broker they’d 120K at risk due to the margin requirements and they’d have an even harder time getting their money as the CFTC offers EXACTLY as much protection as the offshore brokers…ZERO


Paul, go back under the rock. I cannot believe you actually go through the trouble of multiple screen names across multiple sites to troll about claims that are not only untrue, but the audience you are targeting find them completely irrelevant.


yeah i just lost on a trade

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Well you probably only lost to the broker if you are using one of the market making CFTC brokers. If you are offshore, the broker made your commission either way, the offshore broker didn’t care if you won or lost. If you are using a CFTC “regulated” broker they have a vested interest in you losing. Just another advantage of offshore…the trading conditions are 100x better.


You are correct.

Obviously this guy has a very boring life

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exactly why smart traders use offshore brokers


Nothing of what you said makes any sense. If what you say is true, your biggest priority isn’t creating an account on a web forum to rant and be cagey with details.

Give it a rest Paula


When the capital protection or lack thereof part is there in black and white I don’t understand why there is an argument. Literally the main reason most people will choose regulated is because they think their funds are protected.