Going offshore to escape the CFTC

yes, really. i can discuss trading offshore without divulging the name of my offshore broker.

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you are correct but we talk about brokers and their terms and condition and trading with them, this is not about just trading there are other threads for that


i appreciate your guidance.

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Would you like us to talk about any offshore brokers that are not on our list that you think are good


I am just here to learn. when it comes to learning things, i am like a sponge, i soak it all up.

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i have an important phone call coming in right now, would you mind excusing me for a moment? thank you.

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Guys, we all who this new person is. Donā€™t give it the oxygen itā€™s looking for. Monumental waste of your time.


do you have any offshore brokers that you want to discuss? note: there is a list of them at the top of this thread.


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i wouldnt mind talking about LMFX, they still have $900 of my money.


Why do they have $900 of your money? This is in addition to the broker you work for which is currently being raided by the FBI that you have 12K with? Wow, remind me not to bring you to Vegas on my next trip.


they made twenty excuses about not withdrawing my money, and that is hardly my faultā€¦

psā€¦ i find no value in las vegas, it is a ghost town. vegas is dead.

It is so strange to hear. I have used 6 brokers on the trusted list, LMFX being one of them. Iā€™ve never had any withdrawal issues with any of them. Some I used for 6-7 years. Are you telling the whole story? usually there is more to it.

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i spent two weeks providing to them all of my documentation and they just kept going around and around and i finally just wrote it off.

that was my experience.

And yesterday you told a fanciful story about your employer, the CFTC and the FBI.

Nothing you say can be trusted.

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i am sorry to hear you say that.

if i get LMFX on here are you willing to confirm your info with them so they can look into your case?

EDIT: before i talk to LMFX can you tell me how you deposit with them?

Both traders and their millionaire friends are using NashMarkets offshore broker and they trade with millions of dollars in their offshore account :+1: I think we need to make NashMarkets as a trusted broker on our list :100::pray:.
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i donā€™t think no broker came on our list as a trusted broker


i do not understand, no broker is trusted?

the thing that makes me curious about this type of approach is that if they are legit trading upwards of a million dollars, why are they focusing on babypips? why arent they focusing on million dollar clients?

if i have a fishing pole that is designed to catch small fish, i fish in a shallow river.

if i have a fishing pole that is designed to catch a whale, i fish in the deep ocean and try to catch a whale.

i dont think anybody really deposits a million dollars with an offshore broker.


something very fishy here.