Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Gemini supports stable coins.

Coinbase sold out a long time ago. It did not take much for them to fold and give into regulator demands. After all, they were always in it for the money and not to be a good representative of cryptocurrency.

I always advocated sending money to/from your own wallet as a go-between, but even that can eventually fail if regulatory groups impose and enforce invasive tracking procedures and auditing etcā€¦

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I know thereā€™s a lot of interest here about prop trading. A trader I follow wrote a detailed article about it today. Worth a weekend read. Itā€™s long.

Paracurve: Funded Trader Platforms


Seems to be mostly futures stuff. Every red flag he mentions does not exist in either of the 2 I use nor in the next 2 Iā€™m about to get funded with.


Thanks for sharing. I feel like the author did a pretty good job at objectively describing some of the issues that may currently exist within the remote prop firm space. For obvious reasons, I think that it leaned more heavily towards a traderā€™s perspective, but I think that that is understandable.

I do feel like the author could have positioned the article a little bit better by giving more emphasis to the fact that most ā€˜realā€™ traders realize most of these things already and that they just simply do not care because they know that they can learn and adapt to work within the rules while circumventing the pitfalls in order to get the most benefit out of these firms while they still can.

They also know that they can pick-and-choose firms that have the best offers and conditions etc. while ignoring all of the rest if they really wanted to. They also might understand the differences between a traditional prop and a remote one, and can easily identify the opportunity (and disadvantages) that each may offer.

I just think that this basic point being missed could dilute the message for some. I suppose that it is similar to saying that most foods that you purchase in the United States these days contain sugar in one form or another, which is addicting and bad for you, and is sometimes sneakily added in as an ingredient under different names in order to deliberately appear less-obvious, but then all the while failing to talk about the fact that most people are aware of this already, and that they just simply do not care and/or they know that they can choose to go with whole foods if they really want to avoid the sugar altogether.

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I understand putting our cryptos and sending/receiving via our wallets, but what if you need to get some coins that you can put into your wallet? I have noticed that when I try to buy coins from, say Atomic Wallet, the fees were ridiculous compared to even Coinbase.

Now, there are other options like Moonpay and Simplex, were you can directly buy crypto and send to your wallet, but majority of the time, I always have problems with these because my bank declines them. So Iā€™m stuck going to Coinbase or Kraken to get stablecoins for my trading.

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Like banks, Coinbase has become a necessary evil for some. This is what happens with regulation and government involvement.


I have an account with all U.S. crypto exchange

have you tried, Binance.US | Buy, Sell, & Trade Crypto & Altcoins In The US


Sir Winston Churchill ā€œNever let a good crisis go to wasteā€

One stable coin already collapsed. A few large Crypto hedge funds have failed. The crypto lending world is currently blowing up with the FTX CEO having to take on the role of the Fed bailing out big players in the industry to stop loan margin call forced selling.

Trump and his Treasury secretary were extremely hostile towards crypto. They were trying to ram through some draconian regulations before leaving office. Dems and regulation go hand in hand. Congress on both sides have been spouting national security, transparency & USD protection nonsense as valid reasons for strong regulationā€¦ Itā€™s a bipartisan disasterā€¦ regulation is not a matter of if but when.

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This doesnā€™t help.

Binance Chief Says Massive Hack Detected in Asia. There May Be Trouble in China.

Changpeng Zhao said Binanceā€™s threat intelligence detected one billion resident records for sale on the dark web.

YAHOO link will lead you to Barronā€™s for a subscription fee. not worth it, just wanted to get the story out there :+1:


Yes. Anytime people get scammed (or think that they have been scammed) and go crying foul, regulators are quick to capitalize on the opportunity because such incidents serve as justification for what they claim to be doing for the good of the people. This seems especially and mostly true for the crypto space.

It is curious, however, that we see this more in the financial sector than, letā€™s say, the gambling or retail sector. If you lose your shirt at a casino, or get your ID stolen through a compromised server that is owned by your bank or your credit card company etc., the regulatory reaction to that is nothing compared to what we are seeing in the crypto space.

And sure, it is easy to say that this is due to the fact that crypto is still in its infancy stages, but it seems unlikely that the same measures that are created today for cryptocurrency will carry over into other, preexisting sectors in similar fashion. Maybe eventually, but not currently. I suppose when cryptocurrency has its own, deep-pocketed lobbyist, then we might expect better treatment.

People that gamble at casinos, use their credit card online, trade with an offshore broker or keep their crypto holdings on an exchange, know (or should know), the risk of doing so, but do we really need limits and restrictions to be placed on our own assets and investment/purchasing decisions? Are we adults? Do we still need to be told not to touch the burning stove? I donā€™t think so. At some point, they will just tell us to stay out of the kitchen completely and use the hot stove as justification for doing so. Seems extreme.


Sadly, this is true and the only way to get things done in Washington. If another country does it, they call it corruption, but if we do it, we call it lobbying.


Thatā€™s right. Just a fancy word for legal bribery.


Mind sharing which prop firms youā€™re trading with / plan on getting funded with? Iā€™m looking to take Funded Trading Plusā€™ evaluation here soon. They use a relative drawdown model for risk, but you can scale quickly and request for daily drawdown to be removed after 10% profit.

The scaling model requires you to keep your profits in. Horrible model. Go to Prop Firm Hub on forex factory. Tons of valuable info from first hand users of these firms. MyForexFunds and FTMO are far and away the leaders. Obviously, I am with these two. There are a group of 4-5 which could be relevant shortlyā€¦The Funded Trader, True Forex Funds and E8 are paying and have good trading conditions.


Glad to read this, i am starting my evaluaton with MyForexFunds

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The next 3yrs are important for crypto

Another Crypto Company Files For Bankruptcy

Might want to try Robinhood for crypto deposits and withdrawalsā€¦ I havenā€™t made any deposits or withdrawals in months, so havenā€™t tried it yet. But, they allow it now and fees look very reasonable

Yes, been using them since Coinbase put me on a 60 day hold. Only issue is I do not believe they are FDIC insured. I will need to confirm that before holding any large amounts there. I am also verified at binance and gemini. Itā€™s frustrating as I really only use these exchanges for incoming. Only time I send is when I am balancing funds between brokers. For some reason, I am hesitant to go broker to broker. Anyone have experience just doing broker to broker transfer?

I have met 2 traders who had nightmares about going broker to broker, One guy told me when he was withdrawing crypto from his current broker to transfer to another broker, the current broker can take up to 48 hours to withdraw funds, but the broker he was transferring to crypto address expires in 24 hours, so it wasnā€™t good. I donā€™t suggest doing this

In order to understand better, the crypto address that expires in 24 hrs will not expire as long as the transfer has been initiated within 24 hrs after that it can take as long as the blockchain takes to clear it.