Going offshore to escape the CFTC

OK. Thanks for that. Glad I’ve never tried it.

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Although I have never had a problem with large withdrawals with Eaglefx, another trader has complained that a large withdrawal was taking longer than usual for Eaglefx to process.

The guy used the word Review, my guess is that his trades were being reviewed.is why the withdrawal took so long, just a guess

We only have each other, so keep us updated on any major problems with the brokers.

Gabrielle brown- Holding withdrawal update

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Too many of these companies irresponsibly leveraged their positions and then have been liquidated. Such a shame as it’s making a mockery of what has huge potential but is being abused. Bit like a decentralised 2008

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If you were inquiring about Robinhood then its insured, its a major platform too, so I would have already assumed that prior to checking but always good to do your own DD.

Wow… disaster CPI release!

Makes for great volatility.

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Cash (USD) in Robinhood is FDIC insured, but cryptocurrency is not.

I didn’t notice the fine print at first either :slight_smile:

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This man’s story is worth sharing

Funded to $3.2 Million, ICT Trader Explains His $60k Profit Split Nightmare


For what? Is the hold for using the platform or are they holding your funds as well? Do you have any recourse?

No, they sent my deposit back to me immediately. Originally was simply trying to send funds to Coinexx. Coinbase said the address I was attempting to send to was blacklisted. So, for my security I cannot purchase or send for 60 days.
Blessing in disguise, I am using Robin Hood, they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less expensive. As far as FDIC insured, I do not keep crypto there for more than a few minutes. Deposits and availability to send is pretty much instant so no need to really even hold anything there.

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Thanks for the reply and the info about Robin Hood.

Blacklisted by whom and for what? And if they are blacklisted, why are you being punished with a 60 day hold? Is that a Coinbase policy or some type of regulation from the government?

Things always seem unnecessarily difficult. I’d be surprised if they gave you any further explanation? Are brokers being targeted by the government now?

Yes, I found it very strange as well. I contacted Coinexx and 1. a new address is generated every transaction and 2. Coinexx in general is not blacklisted. So they have essentially blocked my verified accounts which I use to deposit, it makes no sense. There is no explanation. I contacted them twice since and they said to be on the lookout for some follow up emails. I have received nothing. So, who knows, possibly the IRS, US govt??? I am not nearly a big enough fish to warrant that type of attention though lol.

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ProsperityFX now have a funded account challenge

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Seems like the white label backend that Crypto rocket, Eaglefx, ProperityFX, Cederfx, Hugoway, Kot4x. Sagefx, Fxsway, nash markets & Osprey all use has gotten into the online prop firm game. A few of the offshore brokers mentioned offer prop firm challenges now.

As for the offer, they require back to back 83% performance on drawdown in only 30d… that’s asking for ALOT! There are reputable & more established firms in this space offering cheaper and much easier to pass challenges.


pretty much, 2 different groups tho

Eaglefx, Cederfx, Hugoway, Crypto rocket, longhornfx, same group same service

Kot4x. Sagefx, Fxsway, nash markets, Osprey, ProperityFX, same group same service

I trade with cedarfx and ProperityFX love them both


I’m confuse by your statement above, help me out. here’s the challenge rules below

Trading Period 30 Days
Profit Target 10%
Minimum Trading Days 10 Days
Maximum Loss 12%
Maximum Daily Loss 5%
Available Leverage 1:100

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100K account… In Phase 1 you have 12K to work with (12% max loss). They want you to make 10K (83%) on that 12K in 30 days… then in Phase 2 they want you repeat that same performance in another 30d period… that is very difficult to pull off!

All of the leading online prop firms offering challenges extend phase 2 to 60d and lower the target to 5% which makes them much easier to pass.

All of the challenges I have passed, 2 100K & 1 200K @ FTMO, 1 50K + 1 100K @ Myforexfunds, I over risked in Phase 1 to pass @ 1.8% risk per trade (7 straight losses and the evaluation is blown). I took the chance that i would be able to pass before my system’s historical max losing streak blew the account, which worked out pretty well. In Phase 2, since I now had 60 days and a lower 5% target, I was able to lower the risk per trade to more responsible levels @ 0.75% risk per trade to pass.

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I’m sorry I still don’t get it, i thought the profit target was 10%, don’t sound like they are asking you to make 83%, maybe i’m getting old. thanks for explaining your side of it

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Think of it like this…if you put 12K in your personal account with only 100:1 leverage, they want you to make 10K on that 12K in 30 days twice. The 100K is air, if you lose 12.1K, you blow the account, so you’re actually paying $700 for the chance to trade with 12K in drawdown since that’s all you’re allowed to lose.

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I’m looking at it like this on 100k account

I have 30 days to make 10% that’s 10k

I must trade a minimum of 10 days out of that 30 days

i can only lose 12% of that 100k that’s 12k, if i do i fail the challenge

or if i lose 5% of that 100k in one day that’s 5k, i fail the challenge

So i was thinking if i make 10% profit target on that 100k account that’s 10k and make a trade at least 10 days out of the 30 days i pass the first stage.

also if i make the 10% and make a trade at least 10 days before the 30 days i pass stage one early

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