Going offshore to escape the CFTC

James (Small Paul) has recommended removing Sage FX from our List.

Does anyone else want to weigh in on this question?

My list on the SteveHopwoodForex forum has been updated, as per the new information passed my way by SmallPaul.

  • Finpro Trading’s defunct status since May 2022 has been noted
  • Turnkey Forex’s acquisition by Coinexx sometime in October 2022 has been noted although there are no official press releases mentioning this
  • SageFX’s disallowance of US traders into their broker has been noted, although their customer support claims it is temporary for the next two months due to “market research”. Here is the conversation I just had with their customer support agent today. Existing US traders who already have an account with SageFX are not affected by this change.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens with SageFX in early 2023. Fingers crossed their market research allows them to resume accepting brand-new American traders!


Well, nobody else has spoken up. So, James (alone) is calling the shots on this one.

Sage FX will be removed from our List today or tomorrow.

It remains to be seen whether Sage ever re-qualifies to be on the Offshore Broker List. If, and when, that happens, we will reconsider them, starting from scratch.

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Cryptorocket has been accepting U.S. traders again, so perhaps SageFX will follow suit in the near future.

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Small Paul is right, sagefx no longer supports US clients. There are many more that do, and I’m also waiting for that list of 90 brokers. Let me see which other brokers accept US clients that we all don’t know.

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there you go

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I agree, just had a chat with them. They said they stopped accepting US clients 3 months back and have been doing KYC. What a shame, I was just about to open an account with them. We should remove them from the list definitely.


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https://prosperity4x.com/ same service :+1:

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be aware of AAFX . Just a friendly reminder, avoid AAFX. THey have all sorts of shady terms like

  • Clients should keep position open for at least 60secs in all types of account, any profit trade close before 60secs will be deleted by the bank and you cannot claim that price again. If the trade is in loss and close before 60secs this trade will not be taken out and loss will stay. If you have more questions related to that feel free to connect the customer support.

i mean straight Bu11shit right? You also can only change your MT5/MT4 password with in their website UI… wtf that means THEY HAVE YOUR PASSWORD. Anytime a broker asks you to change password on anything besides the actual MT5 / MT4 terminal, that’s a GIANT red flag


compounder2, although LMFX’s front pages say they accept wires or VISA, in reality they do not. Digging into the website offers NetTeller etc., then in a chat they told me that their funding options actually are crypto now. I haven’t explored LQDFX, am currently wading through a different broker’s unbelievably opaque procedures to open an account.

Haven’t opened an account in years, and had to do so in this ‘new environment.’ It’s been a week of unpleasantness that once upon a time would have been no more than a ten-minute document upload.


Several days ago I deposited US dollars into both LMFX and LQDFX using PayRedeem. Scroll down all the way through their funding options, and/or click More Options, and you will see PayRedeem.

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Good to hear. What’s the % charged by ReDeem? [ Ah, I see you’ve edited it to ‘PayRedeem’]

I’ve had bizarre chat experiences recently, so will take another look at LMFX since perhaps the chatop wasn’t clear on my questions.

As to ProsperityFX, from chat this afternoon here is the funding procedure “for credit card.” lol.

"To be able to deposit via Debit/Credit Card through one of our third-party providers, you need to do the following:

  • Head to the Deposits Funds section.*
  • Select Bitcoin via Credit/Debit card.*
  • You will need to select between either your USD or EUR wallet.*
  • Enter the amount you would like to add - the minimum is $25.*
  • Click on Redirect me to the Payments Page.*
  • If you are not signed up to the third-party provider, click on Sign Up and follow the steps required to create an account, complete KYC, and add a card. Once that is complete, you may then come back to ProsperityFX and click on the Pay button to continue your request.*
  • If you are already signed up to the third party provider, click on Proceed to be redirected to the payment gateway. *
  • If needed, log into the third-party provider’s account. You will then be able to begin your Bitcoin purchase.*
  • Select Credit Card as a payment method and select the pre-saved card you would like to use. The following information is automatically added for you, however, if needed you may amend the amount as desired.*
  • Click on Pay Now once done. Confirm your card details again and click on Pay Now.*

Once your transaction is processed and sent to the Blockchain network, your funds will be credited to your account within 1-3 hours/3-6 confirmations."

As I was the one who first alerted that Sage FX no longer onboards U.S. traders, I apologize for not checking in earlier this week. I too vote to remove it from the list.

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GypsyTrader, PayRedeem charges around .045 % which isn’t too bad.

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To all Coinexx customers:

Are you satisfied or not? I have been reading some shady things regarding coinexx. Please let me know your experiences regarding withdrawals and intraday scalping.

It’s much appreciated.

In case anyone’s considering Nash Markets, they require Video KYC before you’re permitted to fund.
Further, you’ll find their chatops occupy quite a broad spectrum from long waits & barely there, to quick, knowledgeable and to the point. Luck of the draw.

Just open an account with ProsperityFX, and i find it odd that their swap fees for long and short position for all major currencies that i checked is negative, usually long is positive and short negative or vise versa.

if that’s a negative for you there are other brokers that meets your needs

I have been their old client. No issues. Refer this- Going offshore to escape the CFTC - #12807 by sharpforextrader