Going offshore to escape the CFTC

-I do not know. Is there a difference between a white label broker and a fully-licensed broker? If so, then maybe that is the differentiation. It is my understanding that Meta’s new requirements, especially relating to corporate banking/registration etc., make it impossible for most unregulated brokers to continue working with them.

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I’m looking into, Below is a summary of what MT4 white label was before it was discontinued.

In the past, white labeling MT4/5 was an inexpensive way to enter the broker industry, Buying a license is expensive

Main Features of MT4 White Label Solution

MT4 White Label system is an excellent tool for trading activities, in particular, in the FX market for companies that are starting to develop this niche and often do not have enough resources to purchase a license and the necessary related equipment to implement the platform in their ecosystem. Therefore, many companies choose the MT4 trading platform working on the White Label model to start their business due to the number of features this model provides.

Ready-Made Server Infrastructure

Like any other White Label solution, the MT4 trading platform comes with a fully ready-to-use infrastructure. The infrastructure includes all the necessary components of the trading interface, back office settings, an integrated CRM solution for effective work with the client base and the trader’s office – a universal workspace that offers traders the opportunity to control every aspect of their trading activities.

Thus, the MT4 White Label product eliminates the need to set up and configure each element of the platform’s trading infrastructure independently, saving resources and time.

Ready-Made Deep Liquidity Pool

As a rule, when independently purchasing the MetaTrader 4 platform and its subsequent operation, there is a need, among other things, to connect different sources of liquidity to ensure the ability of the exchange/broker to maintain the required level of liquidity of certain currency pairs/other assets. This process includes searching for reliable liquidity providers and ensuring compliance with the requirements for providing liquidity, depending on the technical features of the brokerage house’s infrastructure.

The MT4 White Label product already has in its arsenal a ready-made set of liquidity sources forming the so-called liquidity pool, the sufficient depth of which is ensured by connecting several powerful sources that are evenly capable of distributing the required amount of liquidity between the relevant trading assets quickly and accurately, ensuring the uninterrupted trading process.

Ready-Made Integration Solutions

Integration solutions are an integral part of any White Label solution. They ensure the integrity of the main process in the work of which the solution participates or whose work is complementary. Thus, any system or service being integrated into a White Label solution not only expands the possibilities of its use within the scope of application but also allows for creating a basis for the creation, implementation and scaling of own applications and functionalities in White Label product, thus increasing its total efficiency.

Ready-Made Server Extensions

A server extension is an additional component (module) that can be installed on local servers of the MT4 trading platform to save certain values, enable different modes and improve migration performance. This makes it possible to implement complex combined structures and arrays of program code to provide increased opportunities to integrate and adapt third-party components into the system.

In addition to providing REST APIs and webhooks for integration with external systems, as well as widgets to extend the brokerage infrastructure, the MT4 White Label product can also include support for the development of server extensions written in various programming languages.

How to Implement an MT4 White Label Solution


Admittedly, I do not know much about the broker side of things.

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I edit my post above yours, maybe this can give you a better understanding, you can also click on the link

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I’m assuming having a license, things would have to be done contract-wise before they can kick you off Metatrader. I’m imagining licensed holders will be grandfathered in as compared to white labels,

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-Thanks. That all makes sense, then. Meta would definitely not want any white label brokers to continue operating unless they can satisfy the requirements set forth by Meta. The obvious reasoning is that due to the nature of the white label service, Meta is essentially facilitating all of their activity, thus potentially exposed from a regulatory standpoint.

That being said, I would think that fully-licensed brokers (that have their own servers and so forth), may not be subject to the same scrutiny, which may be why we are still seeing some unregulated brokerages and prop firms still offering Meta.

I can only speculate, though. Seems like more pay-to-play stuff.

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I agree, but I also think this plays a role when it comes to MT4/5 License brokers being grandfathered in.

MT4 costs or any other MT5 prices The brokerage firm will pay an upfront fee of $100,000 for a full license and then pay approximately $15,000 per month for hosting, briding, customer support, and other services. These exorbitant costs are passed onto the consumer.

What are the fees and charges for MT4 and MT5? - Brokereveiws Financial Community Discussions

From the contract stand point, I don’t think it’s easy for Metaquotes to terminate their relationship with an MT4/5 license holder, just my opinion

-Based on what you shared here the other day, the language would seem to indicate otherwise. It is not uncommon to have some sort of termination clause that would render any sort of contract agreement null and void in cases where the end user violates the contract. In Meta’s case, they left a lot of wiggle room for that.

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You are correct, man that’s a lot of money to put up and so much wiggle room to be terminated

If I was a Un - Regulated MT4/5 license holder I would not feel safe.

If you are the top dog in your industry, and everyone wants to be on your team, you can pretty much put what you want into a contract. It’s time to move on from Metaquotes.

It never occurred to an unregulated MT4/5 license holder that not being regulated would result in their termination since that’s not what a platform is all about

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How do you guys interpret this statement by the SEC? click the link to read more, I’m just trying to find out what’s going on and how the forex industry has suddenly changed.

Statement on Potentially Unlawful Online Platforms for Trading Digital Assets

Considerations for Investors Using Online Trading Platforms

To get the protections offered by the federal securities laws and SEC oversight when trading digital assets that are securities, investors should use a platform or entity registered with the SEC, such as a national securities exchange, alternative trading system (“ATS”), or broker-dealer.


I would summarize that “Statement” as follows:

"There’s sneaky stuff going on in the trading world that we, The Almighty Regulators, don’t control. And that makes us really, REALLY mad!

So, we will use our formidable language skills to make it sound like all that stuff is illegal, and dangerous.

We’ll do whatever we can to scare you into believing that it’s OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!"

We could write a reply to the Nanny Regulators in the form of a “Statement” of our own, following the SEC template:

Statement on Potentially Unlawful Regulatory Overreach by Power-Hungry Functionaries in the SEC and CFTC.

Our “Statement” could then refer readers to this thread.

Our nemesis, The Little Weasel Gary Gensler, got promoted from Chief Nanny at the CFTC , to Chief Nanny at the SEC. And now today’s SEC sounds and acts just like the CFTC of a few years ago. Can’t be a coincidence.


Trade With Pat (i subscribe to nothing of his stuff) has a big following and recommends Fyntura. If you search for Fyntura’s servers on an MT4 platform, they don’t pop up. Maybe they have a different name…?

Here are the 2 best options I’ve found after extensive searching:

AirFX(dot)co: these guys have AMAZING spreads. By far best ive seen. I was so stoked about getting an account there. Problem is, they don’t have a Metatrader license. So, no MT4 or MT5. Don’t bother trying to hook up a trade copier to the MT5 platorm they offer… it only works on their specific server (because of no MT license). But if you just want the familiarity of MT5 with an awesome broker, I was impressed with execution here, and I know a guy in UK with a 6-figure account there.

Grand Capital: (You will need a VPN) I just funded a small account today. These guys will CRUSH you with swap prices, but spreads are far better than Coinexx (I used Coinexx for a while. they pilfer traders with spreads and slippage). Also, Grand Capital asks for ID to upload, so they are far more legit than anything else unregulated. Customer service is always helpful. They do have Metatrader license, so MT4 and MT5 are good to go there.

P.S. You’re welcome… GC should probably be on the top of your list

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are you talking about grandcapital.net

Sorry, you have been blocked

You are unable to access grandcapital.net

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Looks like a possible cloudflare issue. Connecting through a German VPN is successful, though.

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I’m not a fan but if they check out why not

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-Couldn’t find much on their platform, other than it is a “state-of-the-art online platform”. Would be curious if it is powered by Trading View.

-Coinexx offers that lowest spreads on NAS100 that I have seen. Hanko offers the same. Fyntura offers the same. I have not seen anything lower yet. Would be curious what GC if offering.

Thanks for sharing.


It might be worthwhile to consider Airfx.co

A little odd what they consider Exotics and minor pairs

There is no live chat and no contact page, you can send an email but who knows when you will get a reply, a little bit of a turn off for me, they also claim same day withdrawals.

Furthermore, the leverage is not mentioned

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However, I did come across another broker that accepts US traders


The company sends me this YouTube link when I ask about their platform. Does the platform look like Traderlocker / Trading View?

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-Yes. It’s powered by Trading View.

Thanks for sharing.

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