Going offshore to escape the CFTC

The anti offshore broker people showed up quickly, if you are truly happy with your regulated broker, there is no need for you to show up here, trade and be happy with your regulated broker. You serve no purpose here.


Speaking of them, I didn’t know they offer forex trading

I am intending to stick with OANDA in the foreseeable future. The idea of switching to futures on TradingView doesn’t appeal to me at the moment.

Maybe it will…probably will.

If LQDfx is still open May 6th, I may stick with them until they stop processing withdrawals?

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Mate I have only used them for one month!! I didn’t trade with them for long it was a test and I was only shearing my results cuz I see every one using them so I just wanted people to know how its

That completely Makes sense and clarify the charges even tho on there website they said

Just so everyone understand I’m not against using them or anything and the leverage is awesome but just sharing what I think and I believe there is many better offshore then them

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Anonymous open forums are truly free speech! Traders, feds, shills, broker reps, criminals attempting to steal money, and trolls alike can all post their thoughts!
Probably had all of the above sharing their insight at one time or another :smiley:

As a US trader, I can say that trading conditions at domestic brokers are not as bad as they were right after 2010. OANDA no longer has 30 pip spread widening like they did right after Dodd Frank and FATCA. Although, OANDA US conditions pale in comparison to elsewhere in the world. AMP is solid.

What I would like to see is streamlined regulation that simply keeps everyone honest (instead of draconian regs) and access to more markets. Let people trade and just stop the thieves. Too much to ask?


totally agree

I started trading with futures in the late 90s, around 08 I jumped into FX, and now I’m right back to futures lol. US Fx firms are a non starter. The major problems with Oanda are cost, no CFDs & even worse leverage than 50:1 on cross pairs… there is no way in hell I’m paying $10 round turn.


anyone else notice LQD has recently updated the website? haha.

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This information from LQDFX, posted a little while ago by Ragtop50, is quite useful:


I had not found on their website an explanation of Crypto vs. Confirmo. I blindly chose “Crypto” for my first deposit and was upset at the commission or whatever you want to call the difference between the value of the BTC I sent and value of USD credited to my account. When I conveyed my displeasure to a rep, she told me that the fees with “Confirmo” were significantly lower, which I confirmed with a subsequent deposit.



Please help me out, do they cover deposit fees as they claim, or is the fee you are talking about is different from the deposit fees they claim they cover

To answer that question for sure, I would have to know at what exact time they converted BTC to USD, which would allow me to determine how close the rate was to mid-market. I don’t have that information.

My recollection is that the amount in USD that was credited to my account seemed quite close to the value of BTC when I deposited by Confirmo. There was a huge difference when I used “Crypto”. They “explained” that the Crypto payment processor operates in EUR, and they first convert the crypto to EUR and then to USD, and they charge a commission for converting from EUR to USD. There was definitely a higher “commission” taken when depositing via the payment processor called Crypto. Even if LQDFX covered the “deposit” fee charged by Crypto, they do not cover the commission for converting from EUR to USD.


Words of wisdom for those of us contemplating beginning in futures?

Micros or not?
Which pair, MK2 has been recommended online?

Stumbled across this post…
Thoughts? Is the CFTC really fining individuals now?


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There’s a lot of information in this thread. Just search the thread for AMP. I don’t have anything to add to what’s already there except that I agree with Methos that it is similar while still having some differences. Check out the demo and start small, of course.

Edit: it might be time to start a futures thread



As a US resident, am I required to use a broker regulated by the CFTC? I want to use an offshore broker, Hankotrade,

Lawyer: BrandonEsq

Yes, US residents are required to use a broker regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) when trading contracts for difference (CFDs). CFDs are considered to be off-exchange financial products, and the CFTC has specific rules about which brokers US residents can trade with.Hankotrade is an offshore broker that is not regulated by the CFTC. This means that if you are a US resident and you trade CFDs with Hankotrade, you are violating CFTC regulations.


What are the consequences? Is this a felony? I’m not trying to skirt the law, I’ll use a US regulated broker like Oanda but just curious what the penalties are.

Lawyer: BrandonEsq

The consequences of trading CFDs with an offshore broker as a US resident are as follows:You may be subject to fines.The CFTC can fine individuals up to $200,000 per violation for trading CFDs with an offshore broker.You may be denied access to US financial markets.The CFTC can also deny individuals access to US financial markets, including exchanges and clearinghouses, for trading CFDs with an offshore broker.You may have difficulty recovering your money if the broker goes bankrupt or scams you.Offshore brokers are not subject to the same regulations and oversight as US brokers, so it can be difficult to recover your money if something goes wrong.Is trading CFDs with an offshore broker as a US resident a felony?No, trading CFDs with an offshore broker as a US resident is not a felony. However, it is a violation of CFTC regulations and can subject you to fines and other penalties.



It’s bull :poop:. Thats the worst place to find legitimate answers to almost anything.

There is no law on the books to go after clients of offshore brokers. You just have no recourse if they rug you.

Look at the CFTC website for clarification. Customer Advisory: Eight Things You Should Know Before Trading Forex | CFTC


well…that settles it/

Imagine going to the CFTC to complain about an offshore broker and getting a fine for using one, and why do people complain about offshore brokers to the CFTC, seems like those people got scam and wasn’t forex traders


-This is the result of asking an attorney about something that they do not specialize in. You are basically paying them to spend time learning about something that they did not already know. In my experience, the answer that you receive can be underwhelming.

I went to a local attorney about a tax issue several years back. When I called to schedule the appointment, I explained the issue and was given information about their consultation fee. During the consult, the attorney told me that he did not specialize in tax law (thanks for letting me know), and that he would need to research it.

Pretty annoying, but as I was already there and paying for the consult, I said fine. He called me later that week after he was finished, and his answer was ‘you should be okay’… followed by how much time he spent and what my bill would be. Total waste of time and money.