Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Thinking about trying Longhornfx !! Any one had an experience with them

i’m staying with lqdfx until they stop pay outs. it’s all the same now.

*which may be now, no response from early morning emails. not good.

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It should be, anyway. But with companies like that, many of their customers are so naive and gullible about the whole subject that they appear to be able to get away with it? :crazy_face:


-I do not understand. What does leverage have to do with withdrawal fees?

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-Which customers are you referring to? Most traders understand such things. Some do not care, probably.

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Hey, this is an amazing thread!

Does anyone know with Coinexx if you have to do kyc verification to withdrawal? and whether or not my US documents would prevent me from getting my money out?

Thank you!

People naive enough to use a “broker” like LQDFX.

I think not.

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I wasn’t sure who I was speaking with.

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-They do not require KCY. I have heard rumors that they will ask for it, for big withdrawals, but nothing definitive. Their support will tell you no KYC. Maybe they are selective about it, things have changed or it is a false rumor. If you are worried, you can ask them about it and get it in writing. But truthfully, nothing can stop them from asking for it.

-Is something wrong with your documents that would make you think so?

Regarding my own personal experience using lqdfx; Started with them in early 2019 used as my main fx broker up till end of 2020 and reliable enough to keep around ever since but only as a backup. Thought id share my 2 cents on the topic considering the good info ive came across shared by you all on the forum in hopes I can be of some help in return.

The good- Not once had an issue withdrawing, some reaching the 6 figure mark so that should tell you a lot in respect to the safety of your funds. Always an open line of communication with my account manager whether through a phone call or email. Also became an IB of theirs and never missed a single distribution of funds.

The bad- Everything regarding actual trading conditions from the data feed latency to execution and slippages took a turn for the worst after pandemic. A complete change to the conditions I originally experienced which is why I decided to look elsewhere in search of new #1,but as we can all tell there aren’t many left to chose from on planet offshore. Also will point out what some of you have already but the fees and what’s left after converting deposits/withdrawals is by far the worst ive ever experienced on any broker.

All things considered especially with the near extinction of mt4 offerings not much to do but wait and see how this thing plays out.


There was a time when KYC wasn’t required on big withdrawals, but there was a change, I haven’t traded with them for a long time so I’m not sure what they are doing now.

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Sorry. You “quoted” my post so I just assumed you were talking to me.

-I asked them recently (this year), and was told no KYC ever. But what a random support rep says may not mean much.

I had to do it, so I know for a fact., But things might have change again, who know’s


My thinking was exactly the same as yours for my first deposit. I didn’t know what Confirmo was, assumed it meant some third party, like PayRedeem, which charges pretty hefty fees (can’t remember the exact fee now). Like you, I thought that “Crypto” meant sending or receiving crypto directly to/from the broker. Turns out that Crypto is another payment processor, which actually ends up charging more than Confirmo, because they convert the crypto first to EUR and then from EUR to USD, and they charge for the currency conversion.

The rep at LQDFX who told me that Confirmo charged less referred me to this web page: https://confirmo.net/pricing. It’s a little confusing at first, because it is really directed at Confirmo’s clients, such as LDQFX, not at the clients of the clients (us). But it does give more information. I asked if they could direct me to similar web page for Crypto, and they said no.

Someone said that brokers should be able to do the conversions themselves. I don’t know that that is necessarily the case. Someone else with more knowledge about how things work behind the scenes can answer that.

I can say that with all the offshore brokers I have dealt with (FX Choice, LMFX, and, more recently, LQDFX and ForexChief), information on websites about deposits and withdrawals was not up to date and/or did not apply to me as a U.S. person. As with LQDFX, when I started trading with ForexChief, I had a ask a lot of questions about the mechanics of deposits and withdrawals. The website made it look like they accepted bank wires in USD, but at least for me as a U.S. person, that was not true at all. And the process for depositing in BTC was different from withdrawing! It worked in both directions—but it has a steep learning curve.

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PlexyTrade HQ or where the VPS and PC is stationed…

Normal for a offshore broker


Tradersway was worse.

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Just received emails confirming account was transferred. One from lqd and one from Plexy.

We’ll see…


Off to a good start if they really cover those fees

Everything seems to be up and running in case anyone wants to scope em out, so far things look promising tho. Definitely will be giving them a try.