Hello everyone,
I’m Gaber10 and brand new to trading anything except friendly banter. My old man peaked my interest in FX because I’m not making enough money as a golf instructor. I have 2 kids and 1 on the way and a wife that likes nice things. Not that she is asking but she deserves them. I picture myself making a substantial living from trading with time to be with my family and PLAY golf instead of teaching it. I discovered Babypips.com and I am currently in “kindergarten”. Along with the teachings of Nial Fuller (is he any good?) and this site, I am looking to hone my skills as an FX trader. I am excited to learn and to start trading “live money” soon.
Thank you and nice to meet everyone.
Lucky wife. Good luck and welcome to the forums.
Man, good luck! By the way I adore golf and would like to become your student
I am a golf trainer and can help you with some advice if you are really interested in this Tip #1: Take Dead Aim. Not just for your feet but also knees, hips, shoulders and clubface. Most right-handed golfers aim right but this doesn’t always mean the ball will go right as often their swing will compensate for poor alignment. Check your alignment every practice session for the rest of your life! Tip #2: Create a Solid Stance. Create a stance that is wide, solid, stable, and balanced. Build your golf swing from the ground up. Tip #3: Develop a Perfect Posture. Focus on great posture by tilting at your hips and not at your waist. Tip #4: Make Friends With Your Grip. Practice holding the club in the correct position even when you are not playing golf. Take a club into the house and every time you walk past it hold it for 30 seconds and soon your hands will be married to the club correctly. Here is a forum where you can continue reading about great tips for golfers windtreegolf.com.
Hello Gaber10! Welcome to the community. No experience with Nial Fuller. Is it a paid course?