Good EA broker 1lotstp

I tried my EA out with a few brokers but it only seemed to work with

I think it is because other brokers have too many requotes, 1lotstp seems to have a faster execution. I just don’t know why all brokers don’t fix their requote problems. Glad I found one that has. I would say they are the only EA broker I would use now.

I am always looking for some recommended EA’s if anyone has any

Do you recommend as a new trader with them that i immediately start out with an EA or i should do manual trading.

The server is very fast so scalping EA work good and so do swap accounts with 1lotstp

I never try this before. I am so happy with my current broker. I have been getting all the facility i need.

Any updates with your broker?
When i started searching for good brokers many names stand out but when i did my own research, the list trim downs to just a handful of brokers.

Maybe your broker suits your trading style that’s why it became reliable and good for you!

Always seek brokers with MT bridging capability to liquidity pools. Some brokers bridged their MT4 via their Currenex hubs to liquidity pools so it it is direct access.

Stay away from brokers who offer bonuses like this Also, seek companies that do not offer insane leverage and do not offer micro and nano lots which do not exist on direct access on liquidity pools. In other words, stay away from bucket shops.