Good news/bad news - White House getting involved in crypto regulations

Regulation can be good and bad. Good, if it keeps the bad guys away, bad if it creates barriers for innovation by the businesses involved and hoping to get involved in the space. Bad it keeps regular Joe and Jane out of the markets “for their own protection”.

Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), one of bitcoin’s most vocal advocates on Capitol Hill, is expected to introduce a bill on regulating crypto that aims to fully integrate digital assets into the financial system. Her legislation would give guidance on which assets belong in which asset class and offer up new rules on taxing crypto and protecting consumers.

Meanwhile, Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), has put forth a set of guidelines he’s using to think about how to regulate stablecoins and crypto.

Good to see that US is thinking to regulate the cryptocurrency market. What do you think plz share your openions.