I was going to post this on ZuluTrade forums, but I realized if I’m really honest about what I think they’ll probably censor my comment. So here goes.
I don’t care or hold any grudges. I’m actually really happy about all I’ve learned and experienced.
The main reason I post this is in the hope that some naive new trader might find it and develop a more realistic perception of Zulutrade.
After blowing hundreds of dollars I’ve learned a lot about forex and conclusively that following anonymous SP’s is a recipe for disaster.
I’ve tried every possible strategy I could think of except scrutinizing every SP’s individual trades…
Even then there is no guarantee the SP will be stable and stick to their strategy or have performance that in any way resembles their past performance. I saw so many well established SP’s change their strategies, with long good track records suddenly blow it by making retarded trades.
My current best guess is ZT is 90% filled with morons, then 5% who have a seemingly working strategy that might blow up at any moment, and another 5% are probably bucket shops that run winning strategies then blow them up for fun once they get enough followers.
The money was well worth it from a learning perspective but not as a profitable venture.
I highly recommend using ZT as a learning experience to anyone looking to start out in forex. Though a demo account would be cheaper, you won’t care and learn as much.
The more you spend the more you care. So don’t be cheap about it.
I know its funny but I’m not actually joking.
I put in a lot of time over about 6 weeks and learned an immense amount.
There’s nothing like analysing the market when SPs are losing your money and you have to decide what to do.
Nothing like the real thing.
Good luck (you’ll need it if you treat it as a money making thing) and have fun
Hi people, if you research at Zulutrade you can see 99% of the traders are crap… even if they are profitable, sooner or later they let a trades open for days and it goes to a deep drawdown. By now I can’t find any Signal provider that worth to follow there… so be carefull.
As most of you guys know me here - I am a regular poster, and more regular of making money with zulutrade following for the past 2 years!
Mate, you wasted quite a thing actually posting there, So what you moved from following on zulutrade to …following on mt5? How is it working out for you following one signal for a month with a worst trade of -1 134.21 USD???
oh my!! Seems like you are going to loose again, if what you are saying is actually true! I am sorry to say mate, but I am doubting quite much the truth of your posts.
There is a certain way called not being too much greedy and expect unrealized returns out of small possible gains or in other words trading on 600% margin will blow your account.
Eddy Mo: Your english comprehension skills could use some work.
I did not say I’ve followed the SP on MT5 nor did I recommend it.
When I said “here is a little bonus” I did not mean “this is good” I meant, another amusing piece of information to share with readers regarding signal providers.
You’re advertising Zulutrade, plain and simple.
If you doubt what I say I don’t give a %$(! I’ve got nothing to gain here with these opinions I’ve shared.
I’ve shared them for other’s benefit not to argue with you so I won’t be replying to you again.
As a last response to your accusation of me being an idiot, only trading beyond my means… that is just hot air.
Any fool can try follow a ZT signal provider on a demo account and recognize that most of the trades are losing trades. The SPs just hold onto their bad trades forever hoping they will turn around. They’re retarded. If you are personally lucky enough to guess which SPs to follow and unfollow at exactly the right times, and you have plenty of time to waste on their website, that’s very nice for you.
Recommending ZT to others is your bad karma.
Nothing more to say on this topic. So glad to have dropped that ZT scam when I did.
So are you trippy spamming against zulutrade. You say it’s bad - where is your proof? stats? live accounts??..The only reason I trust Eddy’s comments is because over the years he constantly publishes his accounts settings and live accounts and comments and tries to find the best formula for us followers…
You wanna share for us to benefit - give us details, not plain words and ‘bonusing’ of one lost signal to follow on MT4… really one might wonder your intentions. Do you know btw the trading conditions on what you are bonusing?
one account = one trader with monthly subscription and locked equity. and eventual gain. Well, to say, that metaquotes signaling business, is really not my cup of tea.