I be a greenhorn for now, where is the steep learning curve? I want to make my mistakes right away and learn from them or is there a better way?
Learning to trade is like eating an elephant…it is possible, but only at one chew at the time…
If you wanna eat it, it’s only one way to do it…
We are all different in trading, and believe me…no matter how many mistakes I could warn you about, you would still do at least the half of them…
If there was a shortcut to trading success we would’nt be here searching for all the answers day in and day out while we try to make some progress would we?
I’d like to give you one advice…no matter how you think you want to trade in the future, what you want to trade and so on… take a dive into trading pshycology…that way you get a picture of what you are going to smash your head into along your journey
Thank you Scorpius for the advice.
Thank you for the advice Scorpius. How do I take a dive into trading psychology? Very keen on learning.
There are many books and websites covering that subject.
Google searching or just a trip to the library can get you well started
Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is a highly recomended book to read.
That was unfortunatly not the first book I read, but today I wish it was…
Download the book from the web, read it and make sure you understand the essence of it, and you will be a little better prepared for whats waiting you in the world of trading