Greetings From Shanghai

Hey everyone,

I am Gav. I am a school principal in China, but originally from the UK.

I am quite new to trading and backtesting strategies at the moment, and always learning more each day from platforms like babypips, but also through other courses, and experiencing trades in TV papertrading.

Great to be part of the community. :smiley:


Hey Gav! Welcome to the forum. Itโ€™s great to have you here among us

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Itโ€™s awesome to have someone with your background join us. Welcome to the community

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Thanks Amy :blush:

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Appreciate the welcome. Thanks :blush:

Hi and welcome in the BP community :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, Gav! Enjoy your stay and good luck on this journey!

Hello Gav! Welcome to the community. Feel free to ask any questions here, weโ€™re all learning together.

Great to have you here! Enjoy and good luck!