Greetings from Somewhere in the world

I’m Kendrick by name and i’m new to forex and i want to be part of this forum to learn and understand what forex trade is all about because i found out that the world is changing already and i have to change too to achieve my dream in life. Ps: I don’t know anything about this forex and i’m ready to learn with your guys directions and guidelines. I want to start making good money on target… Thanks

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Hey Kendrick, welcome to the forum! Don’t worry if you’re starting from scratch, you’re in the right place to learn! Remember, learning forex takes time and practice, so don’t rush the process. Good luck on your forex journey!

welcome to the forum, Kendrick

good to know you’re not one of those Martian traders …

this is the place to start:-

financial trading is a risk management business - it will help you enormously to approach everything forex-related from the perspective of risk management, rather than from the “how much can i make” perspective


Welcome to the community, Kendrick. You’ve come to the right place to learn. Start with the education section here.

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That’s a good realization. :blush: I think a lot of people are dead set in their ways that they’re not open to a lot of things changing. But I’d say you’re off to a good start. :blush: Forex would definitely be a challenge, but I hope you power through! :blush:

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What do you mean by you hope i’m power?

Thanks… Noted your key words and advise

Not in a rush… I want to learn and understand the trade first before talking about make money lol

I suggest you focus on learning how not to lose money. The only control you have over what the market thows at you is your risk exposure. Overtrading, revenge trading and gambling are emotional challenges which you need to develop a Zen mindset to succeed.

Just keep learning how to develop a profitable strategy and process successfully and let the rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

Best of luck.


Thanks for the advise… I really appreciate

That insight is a crucial step on the road to developing yourself and realizing your dreams. The ability to change and succeed in an ever-changing environment is a need.

Hello and welcome, Kendrick! How is it going for you so far? Hope you’re having a great time here! Good luck!