Greetings from sunny SA

Hi all,

My name is Quintin I am from South-Africa(yeah we do trade but never trade USDZAR :):slight_smile:

I have been involved in FX Trading for 8 years now, with reasonable success. Beats the hell out of a day-job though.

I spend most of my day online, so I see a lot of ads, Youtube,Facebook etc for trading strategies, and NON of them make any sense at all, I know our niche is riddles with bs-peddlers and people keep falling for this, as they are desperate and believe the lies.

.I know making money in this industry is very hard, because I have been through the mill so to speak. I would like to connect with like-minded people and maybe stop some other falling for all these stupid scams that is out there.

Our niche is tainted, not only by the bs-artists but by unscrupulous brokers as well, I cannot imagine how hard it must be for people new to this, to avoid all the rubbish and get going.

So, happy trading, see you around.

Welcome Quintin,

Forex is not difficult, You are right there is alot of unnecessary information on internet. You just need to know the support and resistance and that is it.

Nice and simple…

looking forward to hear from you… Do follow @BenP he is pro …

Too kind @Orangebear2 - trust me I’m no pro! lol I’m self taught and just love the game…
Welcome @QXAU

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