Greetings from the Netherlands

Hi everyone!

Saying hi from the Netherlands.

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Welcome!!! I’ve never been to the Netherlands! If we come visit what do you recommend we must see? :slight_smile:

The Netherlands is a very small but beautiful country. You should visit cities like Amsterdam & Utrecht and maybe one of our Islands in the North (Texel).

Giethoorn is very nice to explore by boat.

Where a you from?

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I’m from the US!

I just read this one the other week: Amsterdam’s underwater parking garage fits 7,000 bicycles and zero cars - The Verge

Looks amazing! Have you checked that out? Do you also bike a lot? @MrLowlands

Welcome to the forum! Don’t forget to check out Learn Forex section.

I’ve actually been waiting to ask this question for a while, but haven’t come across someone from Netherlands before, I hope you wouldn’t mind, if not sorry.

Is it true what movies show about Netherlands about “Weed”, It’s legally available and there are shops that you can go and buy it? (I’m completely basing this on something I saw on Harold and Kumar 2nd movie, I apologize if this offends in anyway)

Hello! How’s your learning going so far? I hope all is well and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, @MrLowlands. Hope to hear more from you.