Greetings from the UK

Good morning all, or evening I guess in some places. :slight_smile:

New to trading and came across this awesome site. Been very helpful so far.

So I’ve taken an interest in the trading market. I’ve not actually started trading with real money as of yet. Just been reading plenty of info on this site and other websites on the net. Kind of educating myself about brokers, binary options, forex etc.

I first started looking at binary options for trading and opened a demo account with IQ Option. Which has been pretty good. Given me a good idea of how binary options trading works.

However I’m now looking at forex as oppose to binary options as I am reading some negative things about binary options on here.

I’ve just opened a demo account on Plus500 and having a play around on there for now.

I’m thinking that trading binary options is easier than forex as it’s a simple up or down kind of trading, but I’m a little concerned about the whole gambling thing. Also, I seem to have good days of trading on IQ Option demo account but I’m a bit sceptical about a demo account and how it could be made to like you are earning loads. I have been using a strategy when using the demo account that seems to have worked on occasion. However I feel like once I move onto the live account the same strategy won’t work.

Anyways, enough of me going on.

Any info you would like to send across let me know.

Thanks for reading.


Click on the School tab higher up the page. Great free learning resource

Thanks for the info. I have been going through the school info above. Working my way through it all slowly. Lots to take in.

Its well worth the effort. Also worth opening a demo account with a UK regulated broker so you can get used to the system (most brokers offer mt4, so if you change brokers later you won’t need to relearn it).
Take as many quizzes as possible, they’ll help you see your strengths and weaknesses so you can develop a trading strategy that suits you.


Just opened a demo account with Plus500. So will play around with this platform for a while and get used to it.

Any others you might suggest?

Thanks for the info.

You could try the Brokers Guide here. Worth reading the criteria you should be watching out for even if you dont use any of them


Which broker would you recommend for demo use? I’ve currently got a demo account with inter trader and it’ll soon expire so i’m looking for a different broker that can offer an unlimited time demo account :slight_smile:

[I][U]Whichever one you’re going to use later as a funded account[/U][/I].

Part of the learning process and purpose of using a demo account is to familiarise yourself with all the practical details and considerations of trade execution.

Switching to a new account/platform/screen/mechanisms at the same time as switching from “demo” to “funded” is the last thing one should try to do.

I therefore advise you to look at it the other way round: decide where you want to trade first, and then use their demo account.