Hello Everyone, I’ve been browsing these forums for some time now and decided to introduce myself. My name is James, i’m 18 years old and I’m from New Jersey. I’ve been researching Forex trading for some time now and in the process of completing baby-pips school (which is a huge help!) I’ve joined the Forex community to interact with others with similar tastes as me and hope to learn a ton more knowledge of how Forex trading actually works. My main goal is to become a self-made millionaire before 40 years old. My hopes are very high and I will work very hard to achieve that goal. (Law of Attraction baby!) As of right now, I am an Profiteer(Legally), I buy items at great deals and sell them for a greater price, therefore making profit. Well, that is all for now, hope to see you all around the forums and to create some friends in the process, have a nice day!