Greetings to the traders out there

Hi, just wanted to say hi to my fellow babypips learners out there.

I started this course to be able to pay off my mortgage, and my student loan. Hoping to be able to be a profitable trader since, one can do a lot with money, and just admit it, trading can be fun, at least I hope so.

I have started the Babypips course earlier, but I did not manage to finish the entirety of the course. Second time is the charm as they so say.

Nonetheless, I am gratefull to be here with you . Hopefully we can all learn together.

:slight_smile: :hugs:


Welcoooome! :blush: Forex isn’t really a get-rich-quick scheme so it might take quite a long time before it can help you pay off your mortgage and other stuff. :confused: It’s difficult but it’ll definitely be worth it if you see it through! :blush: Good luuuuck! :smiley:

Welcome to the community and good luck with the School! It’s going to be a long journey of learning and practice before you become a profitable trader.