
Hello world I am Griffith by name and I am new to Babypips but with Forex Trade I have registered a lot of them but never tried to trade on it before, until now, my first time of trading all that I did was to lose money I did not try the demo, so I started asking questions on it until one of the workers of that forex introduced Babypips to me.

I am a young man at the age of 27 years turning to 28 in August, from Ghana, I am really good with the it and have been using my knowledge to work for people, the most interesting part is that I never tried to make fraud before even though I have friend who have been trying to ask me to join fraud, I always believe in do unto others what you want others to do unto you,

I have tried working for companies but they never paid me as the agreement states so I decided to work on my own, that is how it all started and how I got into online business, I have been in many online business 99.13% percent are not real,

I will love to get assistance from every corner of this very great school so I can learn more and I also promise of becoming one of the great students that would ever be in here.

I am now with nothing but with the little that I can make I will put it into forex trading so I can make it